Смотреть что такое "photosensitization" в других словарях:
photosensitization — (Amer.) n. process of photosensitizing; (Dermatology) state of being photosensitized, sensitization of the skin to sunlight; (Medicine) development of irregularly high reactiveness of the eyes to sunlight (also photosensitisation) … English contemporary dictionary
photosensitization — pho·to·sen·si·ti·za·tion (fō tō sĕn sĭ tĭ zāʹshən) n. The act or process of inducing photosensitivity. * * * ▪ chemistry the process of initiating a reaction through the use of a substance capable of absorbing light and transferring the… … Universalium
photosensitization — fotosensibilizavimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Jautrumo šviesai didinimas. atitikmenys: angl. photosensitization rus. фотосенсибилизация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
photosensitization — noun Date: circa 1923 1. the process of photosensitizing 2. the condition of being photosensitized; especially the development of an abnormal capacity to react to sunlight typically by edematous swelling and dermatitis … New Collegiate Dictionary
photosensitization — noun a) The acquisition of photosensitivity b) The transfer of a photon from one excited state to another, which then undergoes a reaction … Wiktionary
photosensitization — 1. Sensitization of the skin to light, usually due to the action of certain drugs, plants, or other substances; may occur shortly after administration of the drug (phototoxic sensitivity), or may occur only after a latent period of from days to… … Medical dictionary
photosensitization — pho·to·sensitization … English syllables
photosensitization — “+ noun Etymology: phot + sensitization 1. : the process of photosensitizing 2. : the condition of a cell, tissue, or organism acted upon by a substance (as a dyestuff) that renders it sensitive to a particular region of the spectrum to which it… … Useful english dictionary
hepatogenous photosensitization — photosensitization caused by accumulation in body tissues of a photosensitizing substance, usually because of inadequate clearance through the liver; it often occurs in ruminants when plants break down in the stomach under anaerobic conditions… … Medical dictionary
photosensitize — photosensitization, n. /foh teuh sen si tuyz /, v.t., photosensitized, photosensitizing. to make (a material) photosensitive, as by the application of a photosensitive emulsion. Also, esp. Brit., photosensitise. [1920 25; PHOTOSENSIT(IVE) + IZE]… … Universalium
blue nose disease — photosensitization of the face of a horse following ingestion of any of certain meadow plants; characteristics include blue discoloration of the muzzle, sloughing of nonpigmented skin, and frequently intense excitement … Medical dictionary