- photoreceptor neuron
- фоторецепторный нейрон
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Photoreceptor — can refer to:In anatomy/cell biology: *Photoreceptor cell: a photosensitive cell, most commonly referring to a specialized type of neuron found in the retina of vertebrate eyes that is capable of phototransduction *Ocellus (invertebrate… … Wikipedia
Photoreceptor cell — This article is about cellular photoreceptors. For other types of photoreceptors, see Photoreceptor (disambiguation). Rods and cones redirects here. For the Blue Man Group song, see Rods and Cones (song). Neuron: Photoreceptor Cell … Wikipedia
Neuron — This article is about cells in the nervous system. For other uses, see Neuron (disambiguation). Brain cell redirects here. For other uses, see Glial cell. Neuron: Nerve Cell … Wikipedia
photoreceptor — noun A specialized neuron able to detect, and react to light … Wiktionary
Motor neuron — Neuron: Motor neuron Micrograph of the hypoglossal nucleus showing motor neurons with their c … Wikipedia
Olfactory receptor neuron — Neuron: Olfactory receptor neuron Labels in German. Zellen = cell , riech = smell , Riechnerv = olfactory nerve, cillien = cilia … Wikipedia
Multipolar neuron — Various forms of nerve cells. A. Pyramidal cell. B. Small multipolar cell, in which the dendrites quickly divides into numerous branches. C. Small fusiform cell. D and E. Ganglion cells Gray s … Wikipedia
Cryptochrome — 1 (photolyase like) Crystal structure of the PHR domain of cryptochrome 1 from Arabidopsis thaliana.[1] … Wikipedia
Cone cell — Neuron: Cone Cell Normalized responsivity spectra of human cone cells, S, M, and L types NeuroLex ID … Wikipedia
Gamma motoneuron — Neuron: Gamma motorneuron A muscle spindle, with γ motor and Ia sensory fibers NeuroLex ID … Wikipedia
Cerebellum granule cell — Neuron: Cerebellar granule cell Granule cells, parallel fibers, and flattened dendritic trees of Purkinje cells Location Cer … Wikipedia