Смотреть что такое "photonic" в других словарях:
photonic — photon ► NOUN Physics ▪ a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. DERIVATIVES photonic adjective … English terms dictionary
photonic — (ˈ)fō|tänik adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary photon + ic : of or relating to a photon photonic nature of the incoming rays R.A.Millikan * * * /foh ton ik/, adj. of or pertaining to processes involving photons. [PHOTON +… … Useful english dictionary
Photonic-crystal fiber — (PCF) is a new class of optical fiber based on the properties of photonic crystals. Because of its ability to confine light in hollow cores or with confinement characteristics not possible in conventional optical fiber, PCF is now finding… … Wikipedia
Photonic force microscope — Photonic force microscopy (PFM) is an optical tweezers based microscopy technique. A small dielectric particle (20 nm to several micrometres) is held by a strongly focused laser beam.The forward scattered light, i.e. the light whose orientation… … Wikipedia
photonic crystal — Photonic Crystal Фотонный кристалл Структура с периодическим изменением коэффициента преломления, влияющая на движение фотонов по аналогии с периодичностью кристаллической решетки обычных кристаллов. Период фотонных кристаллов составляет… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Photonic crystal — The opal in this bracelet contains a natural periodic microstructure responsible for its iridescent color. It is essentially a natural photonic crystal, although it does not have a complete photonic band gap. Photonic crystals are periodic… … Wikipedia
Photonic metamaterial — Electromagnetism Electricity · … Wikipedia
Photonic computing — Today s computers use the movement of electrons in and out of transistors to do logic. Photonic computing is intended to use photons or light particles, produced by lasers, in place of electrons. Compared to electrons, photons are much faster… … Wikipedia
Photonic integrated circuit — A photonic integrated circuit (PIC) or integrated optical circuit is a device that integrates multiple photonic functions and as such is analogous to an Electronic Integrated Circuit. The major difference between the two is that a photonic… … Wikipedia
Photonic Mixer Device — Ein Photomischdetektor (PMD Sensor, englisch: Photonic Mixer Device) ist ein optischer Sensor, dessen Funktionsprinzip auf dem Lichtlaufzeitverfahren beruht. Dieses Halbleiterbauelement ermöglicht es, Entfernungen direkt zu sehen. Das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
photonic — adjective see photon … New Collegiate Dictionary