photon detector
Смотреть что такое "photon detector" в других словарях:
photon detector — fotonų detektorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. photon detector vok. Photonendetektor, m rus. детектор фотонов, m pranc. détecteur de photons, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
photon drag detector — fotoninio vilkimo detektorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. photon drag detector vok. Photonenmitreißdetektor, m rus. детектор на эффекте увлечения фотонов, m pranc. photorécepteur à effet d entraînement des photons, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Photon bunching — In physics, photon bunching refers to the statistical tendency for photons to arrive simultaneously at a detector. This disturbs our understanding of classical particles, which tells us that non interacting particles should know nothing about… … Wikipedia
Single-Photon Avalanche Diode — In optoelectronics the term Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD)(also know as a Geiger mode APD or G APD) identifies a class of solid state photodetectors based on a reverse biased p n junction in which a photo generated carrier can trigger an… … Wikipedia
Ring imaging Čerenkov detector — A Ring Imaging Čerenkov detector (RICH detector) is a particle detector that can determine the velocity, v , of a charged fundamental particle. This is done by an indirect measurement of the Čerenkov angle, heta c , i.e. the angle between the… … Wikipedia
Kinetic inductance detector — Chip containing aluminium kinetic inductance detectors with tin absorbers. Image credit: Argonne National Lab. The kinetic inductance detector (KID) also known as a microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) is a type of superconducting photon… … Wikipedia
Time resolved photon emission prober — The Time Resolved Photon Emission Prober (TRPE) is an instrument which is used to measure timing waveforms on semiconductor devices. TRPE measurements are performed on the back side of the semiconductor device. The substrate of the device under… … Wikipedia
CLEO (particle detector) — CLEO was a general purpose particle detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), and the name of the collaboration of physicists who operated the detector. The name CLEO is not an acronym; it is short for Cleopatra and was chosen to go… … Wikipedia
Monte Carlo method for photon transport — Modeling photon propagation with Monte Carlo methods is a flexible yet rigorous approach to simulate photon transport. In the method, local rules of photon transport are expressed as probability distributions which describe the step size of… … Wikipedia
Two-photon excitation microscopy — is a fluorescence imaging technique that allows imaging of living tissue up to a very high depth, that is up to about one millimeter. Being a special variant of the multiphoton fluorescence microscope, it uses red shifted excitation light which… … Wikipedia
Two-photon physics — Two photon physics, also called gamma gamma physics, is a branch of particle physics for the interactions between two photons. If the energy in the center of mass system of the two photons is large enough, matter can be created.Fact|date=May… … Wikipedia