Смотреть что такое "photochronograph" в других словарях:
Photochronograph — Pho to*chron o*graph, n. [Photo + chronograph.] 1. (Physics) An instrument for recording minute intervals of time. The record is made by the power of a magnetic field, due to an electric signaling current, to turn the plane of polarization of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Photochronograph — Photochronograph, Vorrichtungen zur Ersetzung des Auges des Beobachters durch die photographische Platte bei Durchgangsbeobachtungen (vgl. Durchgangsinstrumente, Zeitbestimmung [mit dem Passageninstrument], Meridiankreis) und bei… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Photochronograph — Photochronogrāph (grch.), Kamera zur Aufnahme von Serienbildern, z.B. der Kinematograph auf Tafel: Photographie II, 7 … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
photochronograph — [fōt΄ō krän′ə graf΄] n. [ PHOTO + CHRONOGRAPH] 1. a) a device formerly used for recording motion in a series of photographs taken at regular, extremely brief, intervals b) a photograph so taken 2. an instrument for recording the exact time of an… … English World dictionary
photochronograph — photochronography /foh toh kreuh nog reuh fee/, n. /foh teuh kron euh graf , grahf /, n. 1. a device formerly used for taking a series of instantaneous photographs of a rapidly moving object. 2. a picture taken by such a device. 3. a chronograph… … Universalium
photochronograph — pho·to·chronograph … English syllables
photochronograph — pho•to•chron•o•graph [[t]ˌfoʊ təˈkrɒn əˌgræf, ˌgrɑf[/t]] n. 1) pht a device formerly used for taking a series of instantaneous photographs of a rapidly moving object 2) pht a picture taken by such a device • Etymology: 1885–90… … From formal English to slang
photochronograph — /foʊtoʊˈkrɒnəgræf/ (say fohtoh kronuhgraf), / graf/ (say grahf) noun 1. a device for taking instantaneous photographs at regular and generally short intervals of time, as of a bird, a horse, a projectile, etc., in motion. 2. a picture taken by… …
photochronograph — |fōd.(ˌ)ō+ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary phot + chronograph; perhaps originally formed in French 1. : chronophotograph; also : an apparatus for taking chronophotographs 2. : an instrument for the photograp … Useful english dictionary
-graphical — Photochronography Pho to*chro*nog ra*phy, n. Art of recording or measuring intervals of time by the photochronograph. {Pho to*chron o*graph ic}, { graph ic*al}, a. {Pho to*chron o*graph ic*al*ly}, adv. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Photochronographic — Photochronography Pho to*chro*nog ra*phy, n. Art of recording or measuring intervals of time by the photochronograph. {Pho to*chron o*graph ic}, { graph ic*al}, a. {Pho to*chron o*graph ic*al*ly}, adv. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English