photocell light check
Смотреть что такое "photocell light check" в других словарях:
check out — 1. контроль differencing check контроль по разностям page check групповой страничный контроль block check character знак контроля блока photocell light check оптический контроль range check контроль попадания в интервал … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Oil burner — This article is about the heating device. For a meaning related to engines, see Oil burner (engine). An oil burner for domestic central heating An oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in to a fine spray usually … Wikipedia
Breathalyzer — A breathalyzer is a (breath analyser) device for estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample. Breathalyzer is the brand name of a series of models made by one manufacturer of these instruments (originally Smith and Wesson, later… … Wikipedia