Смотреть что такое "photoactivation" в других словарях:
photoactivation — ● photoactivation nom féminin Activation d une réaction chimique produite par des photons incidents … Encyclopédie Universelle
photoactivation — fotoaktyvacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. photoactivation vok. Fotoaktivierung, f; Lichtaktivierung, f; Photoaktivierung, f rus. фотоактивация, f pranc. photoactivation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
photoactivation — photoactive, adj. photoactivity, n. /foh toh ak teuh vay sheuhn/, n. Chem. the activation or control of a chemical, chemical reaction, or organism by light, as the activation of chlorophyll by sunlight during photosynthesis. [1920 25; PHOTO +… … Universalium
photoactivation — noun The absorption of energy from a photon in raising a molecule (or chromophore) from the ground state; especially the first stage of photosynthesis in which energy is absorbed by chlorophyll … Wiktionary
photoactivation — pho·to·ac·ti·va·tion .fōt ō .ak tə vā shən n the process of activating a substance by means of radiant energy and esp. light also PHOTOCATALYSIS compare PHOTOINACTIVATION (2) pho·to·ac·ti·vate ak tə .vāt vt, vat·ed; vat·ing … Medical dictionary
photoactivation — pho·to·activation … English syllables
photoactivation — “+ noun Etymology: photoactive + ation : the process of photoactivating opposed to photoinactivation * * * photoactive, adj. photoactivity, n. /foh toh ak teuh vay sheuhn/, n. Chem. the activation or control of a chemical, chemical reaction, o … Useful english dictionary
Phenotypic testing of Mycobacteria — A variety of phenotypic tests can be used to identify and distinguish Mycobacteria strains and species from each other.The most commonly used tests are described below:Acetamide, utilization as solce C and N sourceMedia: KH2PO4 (0.5g), MgSO4*7H20 … Wikipedia
Mesure nucléaire — La mesure nucléaire est une technique de mesure des rayonnements produits par des matériaux nucléaires ou des réactions nucléaires. Ce type de mesures permet d obtenir une information sur la nature des matériaux, non seulement au niveau de la… … Wikipédia en Français
Fotoaktivierung — fotoaktyvacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. photoactivation vok. Fotoaktivierung, f; Lichtaktivierung, f; Photoaktivierung, f rus. фотоактивация, f pranc. photoactivation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Lichtaktivierung — fotoaktyvacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. photoactivation vok. Fotoaktivierung, f; Lichtaktivierung, f; Photoaktivierung, f rus. фотоактивация, f pranc. photoactivation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas