phonograph pickup

phonograph pickup
акуст. звукосниматель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "phonograph pickup" в других словарях:

  • Pickup (music technology) — For phonograph pickup, see Magnetic cartridge. For other uses, see Pickup disambiguation page. Three magnetic pickups on a Peavey Raptor with the pickup configuration of a fat strat (H S S). The bridge (right) pickup is a humbucker and the neck… …   Wikipedia

  • pickup cartridge — noun : a usually removable portion of a phonograph pickup containing the stylus and the mechanism for converting stylus motion into an electrical voltage …   Useful english dictionary

  • pickup — [pik′up΄] n. 1. the act of picking up, as in fielding a rapidly rolling baseball 2. the process or power of increasing in speed; acceleration ☆ 3. a small, open truck with low sides, for hauling light loads: in full pickup truck 4. Informal a) a… …   English World dictionary

  • Pickup — Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pickup truck — Pickup Pick up, or Pick up Pick up , n. [Colloq., Cant, or Slang] 1. Act of picking up, as, in various games, the fielding or hitting of a ball just after it strikes the ground. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. That which picks up; specif.: (Elec.) same… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Phonograph — Turntable redirects here. For other uses, see Turntable (disambiguation). Edison cylinder phonograph ca. 1899 …   Wikipedia

  • phonograph — /foh neuh graf , grahf /, n. any sound reproducing machine using records in the form of cylinders or discs. [1825 35 in sense phonogram ; 1877 for the talking phonograph invented by T. A. Edison; PHONO + GRAPH] * * * or record player Instrument… …   Universalium

  • pickup — noun 1. a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑pickup truck • Hypernyms: ↑truck, ↑motortruck • Hyponyms: ↑technical 2. a warr …   Useful english dictionary

  • pickup — Synonyms and related words: Gramophone, Great Leap Forward, Jezebel, PA, PA system, Sunday drive, Victrola, accelerando, acceleration, acquaintance, advance, advancement, advocate, aggravation, airing, alter ego, amelioration, amendment,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • phonograph — Synonyms and related words: Gramophone, PA, PA system, Victrola, audio sound system, audiophile, binaural system, bitch box, bullhorn, cartridge, ceramic pickup, changer, crystal pickup, derived four channel system, discrete four channel system,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Pickup (music) — A pickup device acts as a transducer that captures mechanical vibrations (usually from suitably equipped stringed instruments such as the electric guitar, electric bass guitar or electric violin) and converts them to an electrical signal, which… …   Wikipedia

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