phlyctaena, phlyctena
Смотреть что такое "phlyctaena, phlyctena" в других словарях:
phlyctena — /flik tee neuh/, n., pl. phlyctenae / nee/. Pathol. a small vesicle, blister, or pustule. Also, phlyctaena. [1685 95; < NL, var. of phlyctaena < Gk phlýktaina a blister, akin to phlýein, phlýzein to swell, boil over] * * * … Universalium
phlyctena — /flɪkˈtinə/ (say flik teenuh) noun (plural phlyctenae /flɪkˈtini/ (say flik teenee)) Pathology a small vesicle, blister, or pustule. Also, phlyctaena. {New Latin, from Greek phlyktaina} …
phlyctaena — noun see phlyctena … Useful english dictionary