Смотреть что такое "phase-splitting" в других словарях:
Phase splitting — (Elec.) The dephasing of the two parts of a single alternating current in two dissimilar branches of a given circuit. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Splitting (psychology) — Splitting can be explained as thinking purely in extremes, e.g. good versus bad, powerful versus defenseless and so on. A two year old child cannot see a person who does something unpleasant to the child (e.g. not feeding him when he is hungry),… … Wikipedia
Phase margin — In electronic amplifiers, phase margin is the difference, measured in degrees, between the phase of the amplifier s output signal and 360°. In feedback amplifiers, the phase margin is measured at the frequency at which the open loop voltage gain… … Wikipedia
Single-phase electric power — In electrical engineering, single phase electric power refers to the distribution of alternating current electric power using a system in which all the voltages of the supply vary in unison. Single phase distribution is used when loads are mostly … Wikipedia
Lane splitting — is a form of lane sharing in which the rider of a relatively narrow single track vehicle (i.e. a motorcycle or bicycle) travels in the unused space between two lines of moving or stationary vehicles. It may be legal or illegal, depending on local … Wikipedia
Liquid ordered phase — The liquid ordered phase is a liquid crystalline phase of biological importance. It occurs in many lipid mixtures combining cholesterol with a phospholipid and/or sphingolipids e.g. sphingomyelin. This phase has been related to lipid rafts that… … Wikipedia
pro|phase — «PROH FAYZ», noun. Biology. 1. the first stage in mitosis, that includes the formation of the spindle and the lengthwise splitting of the chromosomes. 2. the first stage in meiosis, from the point at which the chromosomes appear (leptotene) to… … Useful english dictionary
Transformer types — Circuit symbols Transformer with two windings and iron core. Step down or step up transformer. The symbol shows which winding has more turns, but not usually the … Wikipedia
Dynaco — Founded by David Hafler and Ed Laurent in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1955, Dynaco was an American hi fi audio system manufacturer popular in the 1960s and 1970s for its wide range of affordable, yet high quality audio components..[1] Contents… … Wikipedia
Margules activity model — Contents 1 Introduction 2 Equations 3 Excess Gibbs free energy 4 Activity coefficient 5 Extrema … Wikipedia
Notable historic valve amplifier designs — Some of the best known valve amplifiers are listed here.Leak TL/12The first commercially produced amplifier with distortion of 0.1% was the LEAK Type 15 Point One of 1945, using KT66 vacuum tubes (valves) connected as triodes, with 26dB feedback… … Wikipedia