- pharmacopoeia
- ˌfɑ:məkəˈpi:ə сущ. фармакопея Syn : pharmacopeia фармакопея pharmacopoeia фармакопея
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Pharmacopoeia — Phar ma*co*p[oe] ia, n. [NL., from Gr. farmakopoii: a the preparation of medicines; fa rmakon medicine + poiei^n to make.] 1. A book or treatise describing the drugs, preparations, etc., used in medicine; especially, one that is issued by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pharmacopoeia — meaning ‘an official directory of drugs’, is spelt poeia in BrE and poeia or peia in AmE. The pronunciation in both cases is fah mǝ kǝ pee ǝ … Modern English usage
Pharmacopoeia — s issued by private individuals.HistorySome of the earliest pharmacopoeia books were written by Arabian and Persian physicians. [Philip K. Hitti (cf. Dr. Kasem Ajram (1992), Miracle of Islamic Science , Appendix B, Knowledge House Publishers.… … Wikipedia
pharmacopoeia — pharmacopoeial, pharmacopoeic, adj. pharmacopoeist, n. /fahr meuh keuh pee euh/, n. Pharm. 1. a book published usually under the jurisdiction of the government and containing a list of drugs, their formulas, methods for making medicinal… … Universalium
Pharmacopoeia — An official authoritative listing of drugs. Aspirin has, for example, long been in the pharmacopoeia. By extension, a pharmacopoeia is a collection or stock of drugs. * * * phar·ma·co·poe·ia or phar·ma·co·pe·ia .fär mə kə pē (y)ə n 1) a book… … Medical dictionary
pharmacopoeia — UK [ˌfɑː(r)məkəˈpiːə] / US [ˌfɑrməkəˈpɪə] noun [countable] Word forms pharmacopoeia : singular pharmacopoeia plural pharmacopoeias medical a book that lists medicines and drugs used for treating medical conditions, and describes how to prepare… … English dictionary
pharmacopoeia — [[t]fɑ͟ː(r)məkoʊpi͟ːə[/t]] pharmacopoeias N COUNT (The spelling pharmacopeia is also used, mainly in American English.) A pharmacopoeia is an official book that lists all the drugs that can be used to treat people in a particular country, and… … English dictionary
pharmacopoeia — See United States Pharmacopoeia … Ballentine's law dictionary
Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China — The Pharmacopoeia of the People s Republic of China (PPRC), compiled by the Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Chinese Ministry of Public Health, is an official compendium of drugs, covering Traditional Chinese and western medicines, and giving… … Wikipedia
pharmacopoeia — also pharmacopeia noun Etymology: New Latin, from Late Greek pharmakopoiia preparation of drugs, from Greek pharmako + poiein to make more at poet Date: 1621 1. a book describing drugs, chemicals, and medicinal preparations; especially one issued … New Collegiate Dictionary
pharmacopoeia — noun /fɑːməkəˈpiːə,ˌfɑɹ.mə.kəˈpi.ə/ a) An official book describing medicines or other pharmacological substances, especially their use, preparation, and regulation. b) A collection of drugs … Wiktionary