
pl от phantasma

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "phantasmata" в других словарях:

  • phantasma —    Also known as phantasm. The Greek noun phantasma means ghost or spectre. During the era of classic psychiatry, it had a variety of meanings and connotations. Thus it was used in 1826 by the German physiologist and zoologist Johannes Peter… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • Incube — Le Cauchemar par Johann Heinrich Füssli, 1802 (huile sur toile). Un incube (du latin « incubus …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Thomism — • In a broad sense, the name given to the system which follows the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas in philosophical and theological questions Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Thomism     Thomism …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • MÉDIÉVALE (PENSÉE) — Une histoire de la pensée du Moyen Âge ne se réduit pas à une histoire de la philosophie médiévale. Il y a à cela divers motifs. Le premier et le plus évident est que la pensée du Moyen Âge est, pour une large part, le fait de théologiens… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • phantasm — [fan taz′mə] n. pl. phantasmata [fan taz′mə tə] or phantasmas [fan′taz΄əm] n. [ME fantasme < OFr < L phantasma < Gr < phantazein, to show < stem of phainein, to appear: see FANTASY] 1. a perception of something that has no physical …   English World dictionary

  • phantasma — noun (plural phantasmata) Etymology: Latin Date: 1598 phantasm 1 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Номинализм — (лат. nominalis относящийся к именам, именной, от nomen имя)         философское учение, согласно которому имена свойств, классов и отношений не являются собственными именами, т.е. именами отдельных единичных «сущностей» реальных или идеальных, а …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • Reason — involves the ability to think, understand and draw conclusions in an abstract way, as in human thinking. The meaning of the word reason overlaps to a large extent with rationality and the adjective of reason in philosophical contexts is normally… …   Wikipedia

  • Gunther Schuller — (born November 22 1925) is an American composer and horn player. He is regarded as one of the key figures in contemporary classical music.The son of a violinist with the New York Philharmonic, he studied at the Saint Thomas Choir School and… …   Wikipedia

  • Hypnagogia — (Greek ὕπνος, húpnos sleep + the root found in ἄγω, ágō to lead away, conduct, convey , ἀγωγεύς, agōgeús conveyor , ἀγωγή, agōgḗ abduction, transport, leading away etc.), often misspelled hypnogogia , is a term coined by Alfred Maury for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bands of America — (BOA), a division of Music for All, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that promotes high school music education in the United States. Specifically, BOA organizes many marching band competitions for high school students, including regional and… …   Wikipedia

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