- petrosal
- анат. верхний край пирамиды височной кости (анатомия) верхний край пирамиды височной кости (анатомия) относящийся к каменистой части височной кости
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Petrosal — Pe*tro sal, a. [See {Petrous}.] (Anat.) (a) Hard; stony; petrous; as, the petrosal bone; petrosal part of the temporal bone. (b) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the petrous, or petrosal, bone, or the corresponding part of the temporal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Petrosal — Pe*tro sal, n. (Anat.) (a) A petrosal bone. (b) The auditory capsule. Owen. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
petrosal — [pə trō′səl] adj. [< L petrosus, rocky: see PETROUS & AL] 1. very hard or stony 2. [< ModL petrosa < ML (os) petrosus, petrosal (bone)] Anat. of or located near the petrous part of the temporal bone … English World dictionary
petrosal — Relating to the petrosa. SYN: petrous (2). * * * pe·tro·sal pə trō səl adj of, relating to, or situated in the region of the petrous portion of the temporal bone or capsule of the inner ear petrosal n PETROSAL BONE * * * pe·tro·sal (pə… … Medical dictionary
Petrosal nerve — (a nerve traveling through the petrous portion of the temporal bone) may refer to:*Deep petrosal nerve *Greater petrosal nerve (also known as the greater superficial petrosal nerve) *Lesser petrosal nerve (also known as the lesser superficial… … Wikipedia
Petrosal bone — Petrosal Pe*tro sal, a. [See {Petrous}.] (Anat.) (a) Hard; stony; petrous; as, the petrosal bone; petrosal part of the temporal bone. (b) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the petrous, or petrosal, bone, or the corresponding part of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
petrosal nerve — n any of several small nerves passing through foramina in the petrous portion of the temporal bone: as a) DEEP PETROSAL NERVE b) GREATER PETROSAL NERVE c) LESSER PETROSAL NERVE … Medical dictionary
petrosal sinus — n either of two venous sinuses on each side of the base of the brain: a) a small superior sinus that connects the cavernous and transverse sinuses of the same side called also superior petrosal sinus b) a larger inferior sinus that is situated in … Medical dictionary
petrosal ganglion — n INFERIOR GANGLION (1) * * * petrosal ganglion, inferior, petrous ganglion g. inferius nervi glossopharyngei … Medical dictionary
petrosal bone — n the petrous portion of the human temporal bone also a bone corresponding to this in a nonhuman vertebrate * * * petrous bone pars petrosa ossis temporalis … Medical dictionary
petrosal nerve greater — petrosal nerve, greater superficial nervus petrosus major … Medical dictionary