Смотреть что такое "petronel" в других словарях:
Petronel — Pet ro*nel, n. [OF. petrinal, fr. peitrine, petrine, the breast, F. poitrine; so called because it was placed against the breast in order to fire. See {Poitrel}.] A sort of hand cannon, or portable firearm, used in France in the 15th century.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Petronel — Petronel, Marktflecken in Österreich unter der Enns (Unterwienerwaldkreis), rechts an der Donau; Schloß mit Sammlung von Alterhümern aus der ehemals hier gestandenen u. von Attila zerstörten Römerstadt Carnuntum; 2000 Ew … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Petronel — f English: from Latin Petronilla, originally a feminine diminutive of the Roman family name Petrōnius (of uncertain derivation). The name Petronilla was borne by a 1st century martyr, and early in the Christian era came to be connected with PETER … First names dictionary
petronel — [pe′trə nəl] n. [altered (as if < PETRO ) < Fr petrinal < OFr peitrine (Fr poitrine), breast, chest < L pectus (gen. pectoris), chest: it was rested against the chest in firing] a carbinelike firearm, used in the 15th to 17th cent … English World dictionary
Petronel — Externalimage align=right width=300px http://www.humanities 18a.html A decorated] French matchlock petronel from the 1570sA Petronel is a 16th or 17th century firearm, defined by Robert Barret ( Theorike… … Wikipedia
Petronel Malan — (born 23 February 1976 in Pretoria,South Africa) is a South African concert pianist.Grammy nominated South African pianist Malan is an exclusive recording artist for the internationally recognized label Hänssler Classic based in Holzgerlingen… … Wikipedia
petronel — noun Etymology: perhaps modification of Middle French poitrinal, petrinal, from poitrinal of the chest, from poitrine chest, ultimately from Latin pector , pectus more at pectoral Date: circa 1577 a portable firearm resembling a carbine of large… … New Collegiate Dictionary
petronel — /pe treuh nl/, n. a firearm of large caliber, used from the 15th to the 17th century, that fired with its butt resting against the chest. [1570 80; < MF petrinal, dial. var. of poitrinal, equiv. to poitrine chest ( < VL *pectorina, n. use of fem … Universalium
petronel — pet·ro·nel … English syllables
petronel — pet•ro•nel [[t]ˈpɛ trə nl[/t]] n. mil a firearm of large caliber, used from the 15th to 17th centuries • Etymology: 1570–80; < MF petrinal, dial. var. of poitrinal=poitrine chest (< VL *pectorīna, n. use of fem. of *pectorīnus of the… … From formal English to slang
petronel — /ˈpɛtrənɛl/ (say petruhnel) noun a 16th century firearm which was fired with the butt resting against the breast. {French petrinal (originally adjective) for the breast, from Latin pectus chest} …