pétrodollars — [ petrodɔlar ] n. m. pl. • 1966; de pétro(le) et dollar ♦ Devises en dollars provenant de la vente du pétrole par les pays producteurs. « Les pétrodollars constitueront une épargne mondiale, d un volume sans précédent » (L Express, 1975) … Encyclopédie Universelle
petrodollars — [pe′trō däl΄ərz] pl.n. [< PETRO (sense 3) + DOLLAR] the revenue, in terms of dollars, accumulated by oil producing countries in the Middle East from the sale of petroleum petrodollar adj … English World dictionary
Petrodollars — The money that oil exporters receive from selling oil and then deposit into Western banks. Petrodollars are also known as petrocurrency. Petrodollars refers to the money that Middle Eastern countries and members of OPEC receive as revenue from… … Investment dictionary
petrodollars — Deposits by countries that receive dollar revenues from the sale of petroleum to other countries; the term commonly refers to OPEC deposits of dollars in the Eurocurrency market. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * petrodollars pet‧ro‧dol‧lars… … Financial and business terms
petrodollars — noun Money earned through the sale of petroleum. The mid east is awash in petrodollars that need to be invested … Wiktionary
petrodollars — pet|ro|dol|lars [ˈpetrəuˌdɔləz US trouˌda:lərz] n [plural] money earned by the sale of oil ▪ the flow of petrodollars into the American economy … Dictionary of contemporary English
petrodollars — [[t]pe̱troʊdɒlə(r)z[/t]] also petro dollars N PLURAL Petrodollars are a unit of money used to calculate how much a country has earned by exporting petroleum or natural gas … English dictionary
petrodollars — /pe troh dol euhrz/, n.pl. surplus revenues in dollars accumulated by petroleum exporting countries, as those of the Middle East, esp. when then used for foreign loans or investments. [1970 75; PETRO 2 + DOLLARS] * * * … Universalium
petrodollars — n. surplus revenues in dollars accumulated by countries that export petroleum … English contemporary dictionary
Petrodollars — Money paid to other countries for oil imported to the United States. California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms … Energy terms
petrodollars — Reserves of US dollars deposited with banks as a result of the steep rises in the price of oil in the 1970s. The export revenues of the oil exporting nations increased rapidly in this period, leading to large current account surpluses, which had… … Big dictionary of business and management