peter out

peter out
фраз. гл.
1) иссякать, истощаться;
беднеть (о месторождениях)
2) исчезать, пропадать, улетучиваться The climbers' efforts to reach the top petered out. ≈ Старания альпинистов взять вершину пошли прахом. Syn : disappear, vanish
3) провалиться, лопнуть;
потерпеть неудачу His plan petered out. ≈ Его план провалился. иссякать;
беднеть (о месторождении) исчезать, улетучиваться - his anger soon peters out он быстро остывает провалиться, лопнуть;
потерпеть неудачу - his plan petered out его план провалился (автомобильное) (жаргон) застрять из-за недостатка горючего

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "peter out" в других словарях:

  • peter out — {v.}, {informal} To fail or die down gradually; grow less; become exhausted. * /After the factory closed, the town pretty well petered out./ * /The mine once had a rich vein of silver, but it petered out./ * /But as he thought of her, his anger… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • peter out — {v.}, {informal} To fail or die down gradually; grow less; become exhausted. * /After the factory closed, the town pretty well petered out./ * /The mine once had a rich vein of silver, but it petered out./ * /But as he thought of her, his anger… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • peter out — [v] dwindle, decrease abate, come to nothing*, die out*, diminish, drain, ebb, evaporate, fade, fail, give out, lessen, pall, rebate, recede, run dry, run out, stop, taper off, wane; concepts 105,698 Ant. develop, grow, increase …   New thesaurus

  • peter out — index perish, subside Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • peter out — verb 1. end weakly (Freq. 1) The music just petered out there was no proper ending • Syn: ↑taper off, ↑fizzle out, ↑fizzle • Hypernyms: ↑discontinue • …   Useful english dictionary

  • peter out — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms peter out : present tense I/you/we/they peter out he/she/it peters out present participle petering out past tense petered out past participle petered out to gradually become smaller or weaker before coming… …   English dictionary

  • peter out — in. to give out; to wear out. □ I’m about to peter out. I need a rest. □ What’ll we do when the money peters out? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • peter out — gradually lose power, reduce, run out    After 6, sales began to peter out. We had fewer customers …   English idioms

  • peter out — die down gradually, grow less strong The large crowd from the football game has begun to peter out and the streets around the stadium are becoming quiet now …   Idioms and examples

  • peter out — /ˌpi:tər aυt/ verb to come to an end gradually ▪▪▪ ‘…economists believe the economy is picking up this quarter and will do better in the second half of the year, but most expect growth to peter out next year’ [Sunday Times] …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • peter out — Synonyms and related words: abate, bate, be annihilated, be consumed, be destroyed, be disappointing, be no more, be unproductive, be used up, be wiped out, blow, break, break down, burn out, cave in, cease to be, cease to exist, collapse, come… …   Moby Thesaurus

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