pertaining to sound
Смотреть что такое "pertaining to sound" в других словарях:
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture — Infobox Software name = ALSA caption = Screenshot of AlsaMixer 1.0.14 collapsible = author = Jaroslav Kysela developer = released = 1998 latest release version = 1.0.17 latest release date = release date and age|2008|07|14 latest preview version … Wikipedia
acoustic — Pertaining to sound, e.g., a. meatus, a. nerve. [Gr. akoustikos] * * * acous·tic ə kü stik or acous·ti·cal sti kəl adj of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds <acoustic apparatus of the ear>… … Medical dictionary
supersonic — 1. Pertaining to or characterized by a speed greater than the speed of sound. SEE ALSO: hypersonic. 2. Pertaining to sound vibrations of high frequency, above the level of human audibility. SEE ALSO: ultrasonic. [super + L. sonus, sound] * * *… … Medical dictionary
sonic — son·ic || sÉ‘nɪk / sÉ’n adj. of or pertaining to sound; of or pertaining to the speed of sound, produced by or relating to sound waves … English contemporary dictionary
sonic — son•ic [[t]ˈsɒn ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) phs of or pertaining to sound 2) phs noting or pertaining to a speed equal to that of sound in air at the same height above sea level • Etymology: 1920–25; < L son(us) sound I+ ic … From formal English to slang
sonic — /son ik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to sound. 2. noting or pertaining to a speed equal to that of sound in air at the same height above sea level. [1920 25; < L son(us) SOUND1 + IC] * * * … Universalium
Sonant — So nant, a. [L. sonans, antis, p. pr. of sonare to sound. See {Sound} a noise.] 1. Of or pertaining to sound; sounding. [1913 Webster] 2. (Phonetics) Uttered, as an element of speech, with tone or proper vocal sound, as distinguished from mere… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ultrasonic — Relating to energy waves similar to those of sound but of higher frequencies (above 30,000 Hz). [ultra + L. sonus, sound] * * * ul·tra·son·ic sän ik adj 1 a) having a frequency above the human ear s audibility limit of about 20,000 hertz used of… … Medical dictionary
Phonic — Phon ic, a. [Gr. ? sound: cf. F. phonique.] Of or pertaining to sound; of the nature of sound; acoustic. Tyndall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sonic — Of or pertaining to sound or the speed of sound. See also speed of sound … Military dictionary
aural — adjective a) Of or pertaining to the ear. b) Of or pertaining to sound … Wiktionary