personal use

personal use
личное использование

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "personal use" в других словарях:

  • Personal Use Property — A type of property that an individual does not use for business purposes or hold as an investment. In other words, property that an individual owns for personal enjoyment. There are many examples of personal use property, including vehicles, home …   Investment dictionary

  • Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008 — The Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008 is a bill in the United States House of Representatives introduced by Barney Frank (D MA) on April 17, 2008 as USBill|110|HR|5843. Its passage would eliminate federal criminal… …   Wikipedia

  • personal use trust — A trust which is for a specific personal use, the consequence being that the interest of the beneficiary is inalienable and not liable for his debts. 54 Am J1st Trusts § 161 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Canadian tax preparation software for personal use — A list of personal use Canadian income tax preparation software packages and Web applications. They are listed from cheapest to most expensive. Many allow users to submit returns using the CRA s NETFILE service while others allow users to print… …   Wikipedia

  • use — 1 / yüs/ n 1 a: an arrangement in which property is granted to another with the trust and confidence that the grantor or another is entitled to the beneficial enjoyment of it see also trust; statute of uses in the important laws section ◇ Uses… …   Law dictionary

  • Personal knowledge management — (PKM) is a label for the effort to integrate personal information management (PIM), focused on individual skills, with knowledge management (KM). People undertaking this task have taken an organizational perspective. Understanding of the field… …   Wikipedia

  • personal chattel — England, Wales Broadly, a personal chattel is a tangible, moveable object (such as a car, or an item of jewellery) used for personal as opposed to business (or some other) use. In relation to the administration of a deceased person s estate,… …   Law dictionary

  • Use of webcams — at work and home has become a world wide web cultural revolution or change in how we communicate with each other. It can be broken down into positve, negative, freedom of expression or speech and what the future of webcam internet technology may… …   Wikipedia

  • Use of Beads at Prayers —     Use of Beads at Prayers     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Use of Beads at Prayers     Beads variously strung together, according to the kind, order, and number of prayers in certain forms of devotion, are in common use among Catholics as an… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • use of intoxicating liquor — Personal use as a beverage. An habitual or customary use, rather than an occasional or exceptional use. Anno: 26 ALR 1284 (expression appearing in application for life insurance). Within the meaning of the liquor law, the term includes the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • for personal use — for private use, for one s own use …   English contemporary dictionary

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