personal equity plan
Смотреть что такое "personal equity plan" в других словарях:
personal equity plan — noun (from 1987 to 1999) a financial investment scheme, offering certain tax benefits, that encouraged individuals to invest in British companies (abbrev PEP) • • • Main Entry: ↑personal * * * Personal Equity Plan [Personal Equity Plan] noun … Useful english dictionary
personal equity plan — ( PEP) Tax efficient scheme for investing in shares , unit trusts, investment trusts, and corporate bonds. Since April 1999, PEPs have been replaced by the Individual Savings Account ( ISA), which is a similar tax free investment account.… … Financial and business terms
personal equity plan — (PEP) Schemes which give UK resident investors the opportunity of investing in the stock market without paying tax. Shares held in a PEP are held on trust for investors, who retain the beneficial ownership of the shares. While they are held in… … Law dictionary
personal equity plan — ► NOUN ▪ (in the UK) a scheme whereby individuals may invest a limited sum each year in British companies without liability for tax on dividends or capital gains … English terms dictionary
Personal Equity Plan — ( PEP) A tax subsidy to encourage investment in European Union company shares and UK company bonds. An investor may set up a mainstream PEP and invest £6,000 in the PEP each year. Any income or capital gains generated within the PEP is tax free.… … Financial and business terms
Personal Equity Plan — In the United Kingdom a Personal Equity Plan was a form of tax privileged investment account. They were introduced by Nigel Lawson in the 1986 budget for Margaret Thatcher s Conservative government to encourage equity ownership among the wider… … Wikipedia
Personal Equity Plan — (abbr PEP) n a system started by the Conservative government in Britain in 1987 to encourage people to save their money. People who bought a Personal Equity Plan could invest a limited amount of money in companies and did not have to pay any tax… … Universalium
personal equity plan — PEP A UK government scheme introduced in 1987 under the Finance Act (1986) to encourage individuals to invest directly in UK quoted companies, offering investors certain tax benefits. The investment is administered by an authorized plan manager.… … Accounting dictionary
personal equity plan — PEP A UK government scheme introduced in 1987 under the Finance Act (1986) to encourage individuals to invest directly in UK quoted companies, offering investors certain tax benefits. The investment is administered by an authorized plan manager.… … Big dictionary of business and management
Personal Equity Plan — /ˌpɜ:s(ə)nəl ekwɪti plæn/ noun an account held under a UK government backed scheme to encourage share ownership and investment in industry, allowing individual taxpayers to invest a certain amount of money in shares each year, and not pay tax on… … Dictionary of banking and finance
personal equity plan — (abbrev: PEP) noun (in the UK) an investment scheme whereby personal investors may invest a limited sum each year in shares or unit trusts in British companies without liability for tax on dividends or capital gains … English new terms dictionary