
ˈpə:kwɪzɪt сущ.
1) приработок;
случайный доход
2) чаевые Syn : tip, gratuity
3) а) привилегия, прерогатива Syn : claim б) преимущественное право (собственности, владения) Those ideas are not the perquisites of any particular groups. ≈ Эти идеи не являются собственностью какой-либо отдельной группы людей. приработок, случайный или дополнительный доход;
побочный доход - salaries and *s заработная плата и случайные доходы - the *s of wastage and leakage дополнительные доходы (продавцов) от усушки и утруски чаевые - they paid the man a shilling as his * они дали слуге шиллинг на чай привилегия, прерогатива, преимущество - the pillage of a place taken by storm was regarded as the * of soldiers разграбление города, взятого приступом, считалось законным правом солдат дополнительные льготы;
приплаты, надбавки (к заработной плате, пенсии, оплачиваемым отпускам и т. п.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "perquisite" в других словарях:

  • Perquisite — Per qui*site, n. [L. perquisitum, fr. perquisitus, p. p. of perquirere to ask for diligently; per + quaerere to seek. See {Per }, and {Quest}.] 1. Something gained from a place or employment over and above the ordinary salary or fixed wages for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • perquisite — per‧qui‧site [ˈpɜːkwzɪt ǁ ˈpɜːr ] noun [countable] formal HUMAN RESOURCES another name for a perk * * * perquisite UK US /ˈpɜːkwɪzɪt/ noun [C] ► HR …   Financial and business terms

  • perquisite — perquisite, prerequisite A perquisite is an incidental benefit attached to a person s job or employment, and is more often used in the shortened form perk. A prerequisite is something required as a condition before something else can be done: •… …   Modern English usage

  • perquisite — I noun allowance, annuity, benefaction, bonus, compensation, consideration, donation, emolument, endowment, fee, financial remuneration, financial reward, gain, gift, gratuity, incidental profits, payment, premium, present, profit, recompense,… …   Law dictionary

  • perquisite — mid 15c., property acquired other than by inheritance, from M.L. perquisitum thing gained, profit, in L., thing sought after, from neut. pp. of perquirere to seek, ask for, from per thoroughly + quærere to seek (see QUERY (Cf. query)). For L.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • perquisite — *right, prerogative, privilege, appanage, birthright …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • perquisite — [n] fringe benefit advantage, bonus, dividend, extra, gratuity, gravy*, lagniappe, largess, perk*, plus, reward, tip; concept 344 …   New thesaurus

  • perquisite — ► NOUN 1) formal a special right or privilege enjoyed as a result of one s position. 2) historical a thing which has served its primary use and to which a subordinate or employee has a customary right. ORIGIN Latin perquisitum acquisition …   English terms dictionary

  • perquisite — [pʉr′kwə zit] n. [ME perquysite < ML perquisitum, something acquired < neut. pp. of perquirere, to obtain, purchase < L, to search diligently for < per , intens. + quaerere, to seek: see QUERY] 1. something additional to regular… …   English World dictionary

  • perquisite — [[t]pɜ͟ː(r)kwɪzɪt[/t]] perquisites N COUNT A perquisite is the same as a perk. [FORMAL] ...cost free long distance calls, a perquisite of her employment. Syn: perk …   English dictionary

  • perquisite — UK [ˈpɜː(r)kwɪzɪt] / US [ˈpɜrkwɪzɪt] noun [countable] Word forms perquisite : singular perquisite plural perquisites formal a perk (= an extra benefit) that you get from your job …   English dictionary

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