perpetrate a fraud
Смотреть что такое "perpetrate a fraud" в других словарях:
fraud — n. 1) to commit fraud; to perpetrate (a) fraud 2) to expose (a) fraud 3) mail; vote fraud * * * [frɔːd] to perpetrate (a) fraud vote fraud mail to commit fraud to expose (a) fraud … Combinatory dictionary
fraud — [frɔːd ǁ frɒːd] noun [countable, uncountable] LAW a method of illegally getting money from a person or organization, often using clever and complicated methods: • Should audits be expected to detect every fraud? • He had a criminal conviction for … Financial and business terms
fraud — An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct … Black's law dictionary
fraud — An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct … Black's law dictionary
Advance-fee fraud — African sting An advance fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a significantly larger gain.[1] Among the variations on this type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (also… … Wikipedia
Electoral fraud — Articleissues|article=y cleanup=January 2008 wikify=January 2008Electoral fraud is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud tend to involve affecting vote counts to bring about a desired election outcome, whether by… … Wikipedia
Commission on Presidential Debates — The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) began in 1987 by the Democratic and Republican parties to establish the way that presidential election debates are run between candidates for President of the United States. The Commission is a non… … Wikipedia
white-collar crime — white collar criminal. any of various crimes, as embezzlement, fraud, or stealing office equipment, committed by business or professional people while working at their occupations. [1945 50] * * * Introduction crime committed by persons who,… … Universalium
collusion — col·lu·sion /kə lü zhən/ n: the act or an instance of colluding col·lu·sive / siv/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Lebanese loop — A Lebanese loop is a device used to commit fraud and identity theft by exploiting automated teller machines (ATMs). Its name comes from its regular use amongst Lebanese financial crime perpetrators, although it has now spread to various other… … Wikipedia
Corporate law — (also company or corporations law) is the study of how shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another under the internal rules of the firm.… … Wikipedia