- permissible dynamite
- предохранительный динамит
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
предохранительный динамит — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN permissible dynamite … Справочник технического переводчика
explosive — explosively, adv. explosiveness, n. /ik sploh siv/, adj. 1. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence. 3. likely to lead to… … Universalium
List of doping cases in cycling — The following is an incomplete list of doping cases in cycling, where doping means use of physiological substances or abnormal method to obtain an artificial increase of performance . It is neither a list of shame nor a list of illegality, as the … Wikipedia
Berlin Blockade — Operation Vittles redirects here. For the 1948 documentary film, see Operation Vittles (film). Berliners watching a C 54 land at Tempelhof Airport (1948) … Wikipedia
Chusovaya River — View of the river in the 1910s. Maksimovsky rock … Wikipedia
Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah — Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadl Allāh Religion Twelver Shi a Islam Other name(s) Arabic: السيد محمد حسين فضل الله … Wikipedia
Criticism of the Israeli government — State of Israel … Wikipedia
Allen charge — An instruction advising deadlocked jurors to have deference for each other s views, that they should listen, with a disposition to be convinced, to each other s argument; deriving its name from the case of Allen v. United States, 164 U.S. 492, 17 … Black's law dictionary
Allen charge — An instruction advising deadlocked jurors to have deference for each other s views, that they should listen, with a disposition to be convinced, to each other s argument; deriving its name from the case of Allen v. United States, 164 U.S. 492, 17 … Black's law dictionary