permanent tooth
Смотреть что такое "permanent tooth" в других словарях:
permanent tooth — n one of the second set of teeth of a mammal that follow the milk teeth, typically persist into old age, and in humans are 32 in number including 4 incisors, 2 canines, and 10 premolars and molars in each jaw … Medical dictionary
permanent tooth — n. any of the set of 32 adult human teeth that replace the milk teeth, including 4 cuspids, 8 bicuspids, 8 incisors, and 12 molars … English World dictionary
permanent tooth — adult tooth that replaces a milk tooth … English contemporary dictionary
permanent tooth — noun a tooth in a mammal that replaces a temporary milk tooth and lasts for most of the mammal s life … English new terms dictionary
permanent tooth — noun any of the 32 teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age • Syn: ↑adult tooth • Hypernyms: ↑tooth … Useful english dictionary
permanent tooth — per′manent tooth′ n. den one of the teeth of a mammal, in humans amounting to 32, that erupt with or after the loss of the deciduous teeth and remain for most of adult life • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
permanent tooth — noun Date: 1836 any of the second set of teeth of a mammal that follow the milk teeth, typically persist into old age, and in humans are 32 in number … New Collegiate Dictionary
permanent tooth — any of the 32 adult teeth that replace the 20 milk teeth. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
Tooth eruption — is a process in tooth development in which the teeth enter the mouth and become visible. It is currently believed that the periodontal ligaments play an important role in tooth eruption. Primary (baby) teeth erupt into the mouth from around 6… … Wikipedia
Permanent teeth — Adult mouth showing full set of permanent teeth. Latin dentes permanentes Code TA … Wikipedia
Tooth development — Radiograph of lower right (from left to right) third, second, and first molars in different stages of development. Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth form from embryonic cells, grow, and erupt into the mouth … Wikipedia