permanent file
Смотреть что такое "permanent file" в других словарях:
permanent file — Audit documentation that records information of a *long term nature. The records of *audit tests for specific assignments are normally maintained separately from a permanent file. A permanent file typically includes the following information on… … Auditor's dictionary
File Transfer Protocol — (FTP) is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.FTP is a file transfer protocol for exchanging and manipulating files over a TCP computer network. A FTP client may connect to a … Wikipedia
Permanent Swap File — [engl.], permanente Auslagerungsdatei … Universal-Lexikon
Permanent residence (United States) — [ thumb|A United States Permanent Resident Card (green card)] A United States Permanent Resident Card, also known as a green card, is an identification card attesting to the permanent resident status of an alien in the United States of America.… … Wikipedia
Permanent normal trade relations — The status of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) is a legal designation in the United States for free trade with a foreign nation. In the U.S. the name was changed from most favored nation (MFN) to PNTR in 1998. In international trade, MFN… … Wikipedia
Permanent death — In computer role playing games (CRPGs), permanent death (sometimes permadeath or PD) is a situation in which player characters (PCs) die permanently and are removed from the game. [ Never to return death is called permanent death or PD. (Bartle… … Wikipedia
Permanent fund — In the United States, a permanent fund is one of the five fund types established by GAAP classified as a government fund, put simply a permanent fund may be used to generate and disperse money to those entitled to receive payments by… … Wikipedia
file — A record of the court. Milton v. United States, C.C.A.La., 105 F.2d 253, 255. A paper is said to be filed when it is delivered to the proper officer, and by him received to be kept on file as a matter of record and reference. But, in general,… … Black's law dictionary
file — A record of the court. Milton v. United States, C.C.A.La., 105 F.2d 253, 255. A paper is said to be filed when it is delivered to the proper officer, and by him received to be kept on file as a matter of record and reference. But, in general,… … Black's law dictionary
permanent swap file — A swap file that, once created, is used over and over again. This file is used in virtual memory operations, in which hard disk space is used in place of RAM. See also temporary swap file … Dictionary of networking
master file — noun (computer science) a computer file that is used as the authority in a given job and that is relatively permanent • Syn: ↑main file • Topics: ↑computer science, ↑computing • Hypernyms: ↑computer file … Useful english dictionary