- perique
- черный или темный табак из Луизианы (обычно используемый как добавка) (американизм) темно-коричневый цвет
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Perique — is a type of tobacco from Saint James Parish, Louisiana known for its strong, powerful, and fruity aroma. When the Acadians made their way into this region in 1776, the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes were cultivating a variety of tobacco with a… … Wikipedia
Perique — Pe*rique , n. [Louisiana F.] A kind of tobacco with medium sized leaf, small stem, tough and gummy fiber, raised in Louisiana, and cured in its own juices, so as to be very dark colored, usually black. It is marketed in tightly wrapped rolls… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
perique — ☆ perique [pə rēk′ ] n. [AmFr, supposedly after Pierre Chenet, said to have introduced tobacco growing in Louisiana, but prob. < Fr pronun. of E prick, vulgar for penis (from the shape of the dried, compacted plug)] a strong, rich black… … English World dictionary
perique — pəˈrēk noun ( s) Etymology: Louisiana French périque, probably from Périque, nickname of Pierre Chenet, American pioneer tobacco grower who introduced it 1. : a strong flavored tobacco with tough and gummy fiber raised in St. James parish,… … Useful english dictionary
perique — noun Etymology: Louisiana French périque Date: 1882 an aromatic fermented Louisiana tobacco used in smoking mixtures … New Collegiate Dictionary
perique — /peuh reek /, n. a strong, rich flavored tobacco produced in Louisiana, usually blended with other tobaccos. [1880 85, Amer.; allegedly after Périque, nickname of Pierre Chenet, Louisiana grower who first developed it] * * * … Universalium
Perique-Tabak — ist eine seltene Tabaksorte (gesprochen pe rik). Perique ist ein roter Burley Tabak, gewachsen und verarbeitet in St. James in Louisiana nahe New Orleans. Perique ist ein seltener, langsam brennender, streng schmeckender und starker Tabak.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
perique — pÉ™ rɪËk n. type of tobacco … English contemporary dictionary
perique — pe·rique … English syllables
perique — /pəˈrik/ (say puh reek) noun a rich flavoured tobacco produced in Louisiana. {Cajun} …
Natural American Spirit — is a brand of cigarette and tobacco products manufactured in the United States by the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, a wholly owned independent subsidiary of Reynolds American, in turn 42% owned by British American Tobacco. The company was… … Wikipedia