- periodontics
- пародонтология
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Periodontics — is the branch of dentistry concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Periodontists are also expert in the placement and maintenance of dental implants. The word… … Medical dictionary
periodontics — 1948, from periodontia (1914; see PERIODONTAL (Cf. periodontal)) + ICS (Cf. ics). Periodontic (adj.) is attested by 1889 … Etymology dictionary
periodontics — [per΄ē ōdän′shə, per΄ē ədän′shə, per΄ē ō dän′shē ə, per΄ē ə dän′shē əper΄ē ə dän′tiks] n. [see PERIODONTAL & ICS] the branch of dentistry concerned with diseases of the bone and tissue supporting the teeth: also periodontia [per΄ē ōdän′shə, per΄ē … English World dictionary
periodontics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: New Latin periodontium periodontal tissue, from peri + Greek odont , odous, odōn tooth more at tooth Date: circa 1944 a branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the supporting… … New Collegiate Dictionary
periodontics — periodontic, adj. /per ee euh don tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of dentistry dealing with the study and treatment of diseases of the periodontium. Also, periodontia /per ee euh don sheuh, shee euh/. [1945 50; < NL periodont(ia) (see … Universalium
periodontics — noun The study of supporting structures of teeth gums, alveolar bone, cementum, and the periodontal ligament and diseases and conditions that affect them. Syn: periodontology See Also: periodontal, periodontist … Wiktionary
periodontics — study of gums Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
periodontics — perɪəʊ dÉ‘ntɪks / dÉ’n n. study of diseases of tissues and bones which surround the teeth (Dentistry) … English contemporary dictionary
periodontics — [ˌpɛrɪə dɒntɪks] plural noun [treated as sing.] the branch of dentistry concerned with the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth. Derivatives periodontal adjective periodontist noun Origin 1940s: from peri + Gk odous, odont tooth + ics … English new terms dictionary
periodontics — peri·odon·tics … English syllables
periodontics — per•i•o•don•tics [[t]ˌpɛr i əˈdɒn tɪks[/t]] also per•i•o•don•tia [[t] ˈdɒn ʃə, ʃi ə[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) den the branch of dentistry dealing with the study and treatment of diseases of the periodontium • Etymology: 1945–50; peri +… … From formal English to slang