perigee altitude
Смотреть что такое "perigee altitude" в других словарях:
altitude du périgée — perigėjaus aukštis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. altitude of the perigee vok. Perigäumenhöhe, f rus. высота перигея, f pranc. altitude du périgée, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
altitude of the perigee — perigėjaus aukštis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. altitude of the perigee vok. Perigäumenhöhe, f rus. высота перигея, f pranc. altitude du périgée, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Orbital spaceflight — Discovery rockets to orbital velocity, seen here just after booster separation An orbital spaceflight (or orbital flight) is a spaceflight in which a spacecraft is placed on a trajectory where it could remain in space for at least one orbit. To… … Wikipedia
spaceflight — /spays fluyt /, n. the flying of manned or unmanned spacecraft into or in outer space. Also, space flight. [1945 50; SPACE + FLIGHT1] * * * Introduction flight beyond Earth s atmosphere. This article deals with the basic concepts associated with … Universalium
NASA Orbital Debris Program Office — The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office is located at the Johnson Space Center and is the lead NASA center for orbital debris research. It is recognized world wide for its leadership in addressing orbital debris issues. The NASA Orbital Debris… … Wikipedia
HALCA — The HALCA (Highly Advanced Laboratory for Communications and Astronomy), also known as MUSES B before launch and Haruka after launch, is a Japanese owned 8 meter diameter radio telescope satellite which was used for Very Long Baseline… … Wikipedia
Graveyard orbit — A graveyard orbit, also called a supersynchronous orbit, junk orbit or disposal orbit, is an orbit significantly above synchronous orbit, where spacecraft are intentionally placed at the end of their operational life. It is a measure performed in … Wikipedia
Satellite artificiel — Pour les articles homonymes, voir satellite et Sat. Le satellite de météorologie GOES O avant son lancement en orbite géostationnaire … Wikipédia en Français
Satellite d'astronomie — Satellite artificiel Pour les articles homonymes, voir satellite et Sat. Le satellite de météorologie GOES O avant son lancement en … Wikipédia en Français
Satellite scientifique — Satellite artificiel Pour les articles homonymes, voir satellite et Sat. Le satellite de météorologie GOES O avant son lancement en … Wikipédia en Français
Satellites artificiels — Satellite artificiel Pour les articles homonymes, voir satellite et Sat. Le satellite de météorologie GOES O avant son lancement en … Wikipédia en Français