- perianth
- ˈperɪænθ сущ.;
бот. околоцветник (ботаника) околоцветник, покров цветка perianth бот. околоцветник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Perianth — Per i*anth, n. [Pref. peri + Gr. ? flower: cf. F. p[ e]rianthe.] (Bot.) (a) The leaves of a flower generally, especially when the calyx and corolla are not readily distinguished. (b) A saclike involucre which incloses the young fruit in most… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Perianth — Perianth, Blütenhülle, Androeceum und Gynoeceum umgebende Organe der Angiospermenblüte (bei den Gymnospermen nur bei den ausgestorbenen Bennettitopsida und den rezenten Gnetopsida); dienen dem Schutz der generativen Organe und der Anlockung von… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
perianth — (n.) envelope of a flower, 1706, from Fr. périanthe, from Mod.L. perianthium (17c.), lit. that which is round the flower, from peri (see PERI (Cf. peri )) + Gk. anthos flower (see ANTHER (Cf. anther)) … Etymology dictionary
perianth — [per′ē anth΄] n. [ModL perianthium < Gr peri (see PERI ) + anthos, a flower: see ANTHO ] the outer envelope of a flower, including the calyx and corolla … English World dictionary
Perianth — Schema der Blüte einer Kamelie mit doppelten Perianth: Ke: Kelchblatt Kr: Kronblatt St: Staubblatt (mit a: Anthere, fil: Staubfaden) Fr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Perianth — The term perianth has two similar but separate meanings in botany:* In flowering plants, the perianth is the outer, sterile whorls of a flower (see sepal, petal, and tepal). * In a liverwort, perianth is the sterile tubelike tissue that surrounds … Wikipedia
perianth — noun a) The sterile parts of a flower; collectively, the sepals and petals (or tepals). Archegonia are surrounded early in their development by the juvenile perianth, through the slender beak of which the elongated neck of the fertilized… … Wiktionary
perianth — noun Etymology: New Latin perianthium, from peri + Greek anthos flower more at anthology Date: circa 1806 the floral structure comprised of the calyx and corolla especially when the two whorls are fused see flower illustration … New Collegiate Dictionary
perianth — perianthial, adj. /per ee anth /, n. Bot. the envelope of a flower, whether calyx or corolla or both. [1700 10; earlier perianthium < NL. See PERI , ANTH , IUM] * * * … Universalium
Perianth — Pe|ri|ạnth 〈n. 11; Bot.〉 = Perianthium * * * Periạnth [zu griechisch ánthos »Blüte«] das, s/ e, Botanik: die Blütenhülle (Blüte). * * * Pe|ri|ạnth, das; s, e, Pe|ri|ạn|thi|um, das; s, ...ien [zu griech. perí = um herum u. ánthos = Blüte] ( … Universal-Lexikon
Perianth — Pe|ri|ạnth 〈n.; Gen.: (e)s, Pl.: e; Bot.〉 Syn. Perianthium 1. Hülle der Bedecktsamer, die die männl. u. weibl. Teile der Blüte schützt, Blütenhülle 2. blattartige Bildung zum Schutz der Fortpflanzungsorgane bei Moosen [Etym.: <Peri… + grch.… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch