performative — [pər fôr′mə tiv] adj. of or having to do with performance; specif., designating or having to do with a statement that functions as an action and, hence, is neither true nor false [“I apologize” is a performative utterance] … English World dictionary
performative — 1955, coined by British philosopher of language J.L. Austin (1911 1960), from PERFORM (Cf. perform) + IVE (Cf. ive) … Etymology dictionary
Performative — Performativité La performativité consiste en le fait qu un mot ou une expression constituent par eux mêmes la chose qu ils énoncent. Sommaire 1 Historique et description 2 Influence 3 Voir aussi 3.1 Articles … Wikipédia en Français
performative — adjective Date: 1955 being or relating to an expression that serves to effect a transaction or that constitutes the performance of the specified act by virtue of its utterance < performative verbs such as promise and congratulate > compare… … New Collegiate Dictionary
performative — 1. adjective Being enacted as it is said. An example of a performative utterance could be, I name this boat Alfred . See Also: performativity 2. noun A performative utterance … Wiktionary
performative — /peuhr fawr meuh tiv/, adj. Philos., Ling. 1. (of an expression or statement) performing an act by the very fact of being uttered, as with the expression I promise, that performs the act of promising. n. 2. a performative utterance. Cf.… … Universalium
performative — ● performatif, performative adjectif performatif nom masculin Se dit d un verbe dont l énonciation constitue simultanément l action qu il exprime. (Par exemple Je jure, je promets sont des énoncés performatifs.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
performative — per•for•ma•tive [[t]pərˈfɔr mə tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) ling. pho (of an expression or statement) performing an act by the very fact of being uttered, as “I promise,” which performs the act of promising 2) ling. pho a performative utterance … From formal English to slang
performative — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or relating to performance. 2 denoting an utterance that effects an action by being spoken or written (e.g. I bet, I apologize). n. a performative utterance … Useful english dictionary
Performative writing — is a form of post modernist or avant garde academic writing, usually taking as its subject a work of visual art or performance art. It is often loosely semi autobiographical, free flowing in an ersatz stream of consciousness mode, and heavily… … Wikipedia
Performative verb — Performative verbs are verbs carried out simply by means of uttering them aloud. When a judge sentences someone to jail time, for example, the action is completed when he or she says, I hereby sentence you to five years in prison, or the like.… … Wikipedia