- percussor
- мед. перкуссионный молоток (медицина) перкуссионный молоток
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Percussor — (lat.), 1) Mörder; 2) chirurgisches Instrument zur Steinzermalmung, s.d … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
percussor — |ô| adj. 1. Que percute. • s. m. 2. [Militar] Pequena haste metálica que ao percutir numa cápsula a inflama. • Confrontar: precursor … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
percussor — /peuhr kus euhr/, n. Med. plexor. [1885 90; < NL, L: one that beats, equiv. to percut , s. of percutere to beat (see PERCUSS) + tor TOR, with tt > ss] * * * … Universalium
percussor — SYN: plessor. * * * per·cus·sor pər kəs ər n PLEXOR * * * per·cus·sor (pər kusґər) 1. a vibrator that produces relatively coarse movements. 2. percussion hammer … Medical dictionary
percussor — per|cus|sor Mot Agut Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
percussor — n. small rubber hammer … English contemporary dictionary
percussor — per·cus·sor … English syllables
percussor — noun (medicine) a small hammer with a rubber head used in percussive examinations of the chest and in testing reflexes • Syn: ↑plexor, ↑plessor • Derivationally related forms: ↑percuss • Topics: ↑medicine, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Lithic reduction — The Levallois technique of flint knapping Lithic reduction involves the use of a hard hammer precursor, such as a hammerstone, a soft hammer fabricator (made of wood, bone or antler), or a wood or antler punch to detach lithic flakes from a lump… … Wikipedia
Lithic flake — Flakes may be produced by a variety of means. Force may be introduced by direct percussion (striking the core with a percussor such as a rock or antler), indirect percussion (striking the core with an object, sometimes referred to as a punch,… … Wikipedia
Clovis point — A Clovis projectile point created using bifacial percussion flaking (that is, each face is flaked on both edges alternatively with a percussor) Image courtesy of the Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources. Clovis points are the characteristically… … Wikipedia