- percussionist
- сущ. музыкант, играющий на музыкальных инструментах (музыкальное) исполнитель на ударных инструментах, ударник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
percussionist — player of a percussion instrument, 1943, from PERCUSSION (Cf. percussion) + IST (Cf. ist) … Etymology dictionary
percussionist — [pər kush′ənist] n. a musician who plays percussion instruments … English World dictionary
percussionist — [[t]pə(r)kʌ̱ʃ(ə)nɪst[/t]] percussionists N COUNT A percussionist is a person who plays percussion instruments such as drums … English dictionary
percussionist — percussion ► NOUN 1) (before another noun ) (of a musical instrument) played by being struck or shaken. 2) percussion instruments forming a band or section of an orchestra. 3) the striking of one solid object with or against another. DERIVATIVES… … English terms dictionary
percussionist — noun Date: 1939 one skilled in the playing of percussion instruments … New Collegiate Dictionary
Percussionist — Atabaque Bongos (mit Fell bespannt) … Deutsch Wikipedia
percussionist — /peuhr kush euh nist/, n. a musician who plays percussion instruments. [1810 20; PERCUSSION + IST] * * * … Universalium
percussionist — noun A trained musician who plays percussion instruments, as opposed to a drummer who lacks formal training … Wiktionary
Percussionist — Per|cus|si|o|nịst 〈m. 16; Mus.〉 Schlagzeuger [<engl. percussion „Schlagzeug“] … Universal-Lexikon
Percussionist — Per|cus|si|o|nịst 〈m.; Gen.: en, Pl.: en; Musik〉 Schlagzeuger [Etym.: <engl. percussion »Schlagzeug«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
percussionist — per cus·sion·ist || pÉ™r kʌʃnɪst /pÉ™ n. one who plays a percussion instrument, drummer … English contemporary dictionary