percentage reduction

percentage reduction
(относительное) обжатие в процентах, процент обжатия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "percentage reduction" в других словарях:

  • reduction — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, great, large, major, marked, significant, substantial ▪ The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously …   Collocations dictionary

  • Percentage point — Percentage points (pp) are the unit for the arithmetic difference of two percentages. Consider the following hypothetical example: in 1980, 40 percent of the population smoked, and in 1990 only 30 percent smoked. We can thus say that from 1980 to …   Wikipedia

  • percentage — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, high, huge, large, overwhelming, significant, sizeable, substantial ▪ The area has a high percentage of unemployed men …   Collocations dictionary

  • percentage — Synonyms and related words: abatement, absolute interest, adjunct, advantage, advantageousness, advisability, agio, allotment, allowance, appropriateness, arithmetical proportion, avail, bait, bank discount, behalf, behoof, beneficialness,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • reduction — Synonyms and related words: abasement, abatement, abbreviation, about face, abridgment, abstract, acetification, acidification, acidulation, addition, agio, alchemy, alkalization, allayment, alleviation, allowance, analgesia, anesthesia,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • reduction of area — 1) the decrease in a cross section of a product by rolling or drawing. This is a measure of the temper of metal in the cold worked condition. 2) the difference between the original cross section area of a tension test specimen and the area of its …   Mechanics glossary

  • Polkey reduction — Also known as Polkey deduction after the House of Lords decision in Polkey v AE Dayton Services Ltd [1987] IRLR 503. A reduction in the compensatory award made to an employee in a successful claim for unfair dismissal to reflect the chance that… …   Law dictionary

  • Immigration reduction — refers to movements that advocate a reduction in the amount of immigration allowed into their country. This can include a reduction in the numbers of legal immigrants, advocating stronger action be taken to prevent illegal entry and illegal… …   Wikipedia

  • Arms Reduction Coalition — The Arms Reduction Coalition (ARC) is a United Kingdom based non profit non governmental organization which campaigns for a reduction in the resources spent on arms and the military and for those resources to be divereted to programmes that… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise Reduction Coefficient — The Noise Reduction Coefficient (commonly abbreviated NRC) is a scalar representation of the amount of sound energy absorbed upon striking a particular surface. An NRC of 0 indicates perfect reflection; an NRC of 1 indicates perfect absorption.In …   Wikipedia

  • Tax Reduction Act of 1975 — The United States Tax Reduction Act of 1975 provided a 10 percent rebate on 1974 tax liability ($200 cap) and created a temporary $30 general tax credit for each taxpayer and dependent.The investment tax credit was temporarily increased to 10… …   Wikipedia

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