per person share
Смотреть что такое "per person share" в других словарях:
per — [pə, pɜː ǁ pər, pɜːr] preposition 1. for each: • an average beef cattle price of $74.20 per hundred pounds • The price tag is $1500 per square foot of retail space. • Earnings per share rose 12% to 31.3 pence. • The Japanese have in recent years… … Financial and business terms
per stirpes — perˈstirˌpās, ˌpərˈstər(ˌ)pēz adverb (or adjective) Etymology: Latin : by familial stocks : as representatives of the branches of the descendants of a person used of a mode of reckoning the rights or liabilities of descendants in which the… … Useful english dictionary
PER — FINANCE abbreviation for price earnings ratio * * * ► See P/E Ratio. * * * UK per UK US strong /pɜːr/ weak /pər/ preposition ► used when talking about prices, rates, etc … Financial and business terms
Per capita — is a Latin phrase meaning for each head with Per meaning through or by ...and... capita (sg.: caput) meaning heads . Both words together equate to the phrase for each head .It is usually used in the field of statistics to indicate the average per … Wikipedia
per stirpes — /perr sterr peez, peuhr/, Law. pertaining to or noting a method of dividing an estate in which the descendants of a deceased person share as a group in the portion of the estate to which the deceased would have been entitled. Cf. per capita (def … Universalium
per stirpes — per stir·pes /pər stər pēz, per stir pās/ adv or adj [Latin, by familial stocks]: by right of representation the estate was divided per stirpes used of a method of distributing an esp. intestate estate compare per capita ◇ Per stirpes… … Law dictionary
per capita — per cap·i·ta /pər ka pə tə/ adv or adj [Medieval Latin, by heads] 1: equally to each individual all property to pass to the descendants per capita used of a method of distributing an esp. intestate estate compare per stirpes ◇ Per capita… … Law dictionary
share and share alike — index per capita Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 share and share alike v … Law dictionary
share|crop|per — «SHAIR KROP uhr», noun. a person who farms land for the owner in return for part of the crops: »Sharecroppers and tenant farmers left the farm and turned to the rapidly growing opportunities in industry (Time). ╂[American English < earlier… … Useful english dictionary
Share taxi — State / Territory / Region Name used Albania Furgon Algeria Taxis collectifs … Wikipedia
Non-resident Indian and Person of Indian Origin — Total population 30,000,000+ Regions with significant populations … Wikipedia