per meter
Смотреть что такое "per meter" в других словарях:
ampere per meter — (A/m) or ampere turn per meter the SI unit of magnetic field strength. One ampere per meter is equal to pi/250 oersteds (12.566 371 millioersteds) in CGS units. The ampere per meter is also the SI unit of magnetization in the sense of magnetic … Dictionary of units of measurement
Per Hapi — Per Hapi in Hieroglyphen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meter Jam — is a campaign being followed in Metro cities of India such as Bangalore and Mumbai to correct the malpractices adopted by the taxi and auto rickshaw drivers.[1] Contents 1 Challenges faced by public 2 Steps taken by public … Wikipedia
Per Olof Ultvedt — (* 5. Juli 1927 in Kemi, Finnland; lebt in Stockholm, Schweden) ist ein finnischer Maler, Grafiker, Bühnenbildner und Bildhauer. Er gilt als ein wichtiger Vertreter der Kinetischen Kunst in Skandinavien. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Werk … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meter (poetry) — In poetry, meter (metre in British English) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse. Many traditional verse forms prescribe a specific verse meter, or a certain set of meters alternating in a particular order. The study of… … Wikipedia
Meter (music) — Musical and lyric metre. See also: Hymn meter and Poetic meter. Meter or metre is a term that music has inherited from the rhythmic element of poetry (Scholes 1977; Latham 2002) where it means the number of lines in a verse, the number of… … Wikipedia
Meter Point Administration Number — A Meter Point Administration Number, also known as MPAN, Supply Number or S Number, is a 21 digit reference used in Great Britain to uniquely identify electricity supply points such as individual domestic residences. The gas equivalent is the… … Wikipedia
meter per second — (m/s) the metric and SI unit of speed or velocity. One meter per second is equal to exactly 3.6 kilometers per hour (km/h) or about 2.236 936 miles per hour or 3.280 840 feet per second … Dictionary of units of measurement
meter — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo French; Old English mēter, from Latin metrum, from Greek metron measure, meter; Anglo French metre, from Latin metrum more at measure Date: before 12th century 1. a. systematically… … New Collegiate Dictionary
meter — or metre (m) the metric and SI base unit of distance. Originally, the meter was designed to be one ten millionth of a quadrant, the distance between the Equator and the North Pole. (The Earth is difficult to measure, and a small error was… … Dictionary of units of measurement
meter reading — noun 1. a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument he could not believe the meter reading the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm • Syn: ↑reading, ↑indication •… … Useful english dictionary