per accidens
Смотреть что такое "per accidens" в других словарях:
per áccidens — Loc. lat. que significa ‘por accidente, circunstancialmente’. Es propia del lenguaje filosófico: «El médico, per se, cura; per áccidens, escribe novelas» (Mindán Filosofía [Esp. 1969]). Se opone a per se (→ per se) … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
per accidens — (pronunc. [per áccidens]) Fil. Locución latina aplicada, por oposición a «per se», a las cualidades *accidentales de las cosas … Enciclopedia Universal
Per accĭdens — (lat.), durch Zufall … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
per accidens — (Lat., by accident) In scholastic thought that which is per accidens belongs to a substance more or less fortuitously, and is contrasted with that which is per se, or through itself, i.e. that springs from its inner or essential nature. Also in… … Philosophy dictionary
per accidens — pəˈraksəˌdenz, ˌpər.ˈa , peˈra adverb Etymology: Late Latin 1. : by chance or extraneous circumstance : accidentally he is not learned, except per accidens Walter Moberly 2. : in accidental or nonessential character … Useful english dictionary
per accidens — per ạc|ci|dens [lat., ↑Akzidens] (veraltet): durch Zufall … Universal-Lexikon
per accidens — per ac|ci|dens [ aktsi...] <lat. > (veraltet) durch Zufall … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
per accidens — adverb By chance; by reason of an accidental, incidental or non essential circumstance; contingently; indirectly. Ant: per se … Wiktionary
per accidens nuisance — An act, occupation, or structure not a nuisance per se, but one which may become a nuisance by reason of circumstances, location, or surroundings. 39 Am J1st Nuis § 11 … Ballentine's law dictionary
nuisance per accidens — n: nuisance in fact at nuisance Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
ens per accidens — /enz pər akˈsi dənz or per a ki dānsˈ/ noun (in Aristotelian philosophy) that which exists only as an accident of a substance (an ens per se /sē or sā/) • • • Main Entry: ↑ens … Useful english dictionary