
ˈpepərɪ прил.
1) наперченный;
едкий, острый
2) острый, язвительный, едкий
3) вспыльчивый, несдержанный, раздражительный;
горячий Syn : hot-tempered, quick-tempered
4) неприятный, вызывающий раздражение наперченный;
едкий колкий, острый - * words колкости - * satire острая сатира вспыльчивый, желчный;
горячий - a * temper горячий нрав - * dog задиристая собака peppery вспыльчивый, раздражительный ~ наперченный;
острый, едкий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "peppery" в других словарях:

  • peppery — [adj1] highly seasoned fiery, hot, piquant, poignant, pungent, racy, snappy, spicy, zestful, zesty; concept 613 peppery [adj2] irritable; sarcastic acute, angry, astringent, biting, caustic, choleric, cranky, cross, fiery, hot tempered, incisive …   New thesaurus

  • Peppery — Pep per*y, a. 1. Of or pertaining to pepper; having the qualities of pepper; hot; pungent. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: Hot tempered; passionate; choleric. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • peppery — fiery, gingery, *spirited, high spirited, mettlesome, spunky Analogous words: impetuous, headlong, *precipitate, abrupt: *pungent, piquant, spicy, snappy …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • peppery — [pep′ər ē] adj. 1. of, like, or highly seasoned with pepper 2. sharp or fiery, as speech or writing 3. hot tempered; irritable pepperiness n …   English World dictionary

  • peppery — adjective Date: 1699 1. of, relating to, or having the qualities of pepper ; hot, pungent < a peppery taste > 2. having a hot temper ; touchy < a peppery boss > 3. fiery, stinging < a peppery …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • peppery — pepperily, adv. pepperiness, n. /pep euh ree/, adj. 1. full of or tasting like pepper; hot; pungent. 2. of, pertaining to, or resembling pepper. 3. sharp or stinging: a peppery speech. 4. easily angered; bad tempered; irritable; irascible: the… …   Universalium

  • peppery — [[t]pe̱pəri[/t]] ADJ GRADED Food that is peppery has a strong, hot taste like pepper. ...a crisp green salad with a few peppery radishes …   English dictionary

  • peppery — adjective 1) a peppery sauce Syn: spicy, spiced, peppered, hot, highly seasoned, piquant, pungent, sharp Ant: mild, bland 2) a peppery old man Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • peppery — pep•per•y [[t]ˈpɛp ə ri[/t]] adj. 1) full of or tasting like pepper; hot 2) of, pertaining to, or resembling pepper 3) sharp or stinging: a peppery speech[/ex] 4) easily angered • Etymology: 1690–1700 pep′per•i•ness, n …   From formal English to slang

  • peppery — pepper ► NOUN 1) a pungent, hot tasting powder made from peppercorns, used to flavour food. 2) a capsicum. ► VERB 1) sprinkle or season with pepper. 2) (usu. be peppered with) scatter liberally over or through. 3) hit repeatedly with small… …   English terms dictionary

  • Peppery furrow shell — Taxobox name = Peppery furrow shell image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Bivalvia subclassis = Heterodonta ordo = Veneroida superfamilia = Tellinoidea familia = Semelidae genus = Scrobicularia genus authority =… …   Wikipedia

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