- pentasyllable
- ˌpentəˈsɪləbl сущ. пятисложное слово пятисложное слово pentasyllable пятисложное слово
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pentasyllable — pentasyllabic /pen teuh si lab ik/, adj. pentasyllabism, n. /pen teuh sil euh beuhl/, n. a word or line of verse of five syllables. [1810 20; PENTA + SYLLABLE] * * * … Universalium
pentasyllable — pen·ta·syllable … English syllables
pentasyllable — n. word, verse line, etc., of five syllables. ♦ pentasyllabic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
pentasyllable — “+ noun Etymology: penta + syllable : a word of five syllables * * * pentasyllabic /pen teuh si lab ik/, adj. pentasyllabism, n. /pen teuh sil euh beuhl/, n. a word or line of verse of five syllables. [1810 20; PENTA + SYLLABLE] … Useful english dictionary
Carasaus — ( fl. c. 1240 ndash;60) was a Belgian trouvère, five of whose works survive. His career can be dated because he dedicates two grand chants ( Fine amours m envoie and Puis que j ai chançon meüe ) to Jehan de Dampierre (died 1259) and another ( N… … Wikipedia