Смотреть что такое "pentadactyl" в других словарях:
Pentadactyl — Pen ta*dac tyl, Pentadactyle Pen ta*dac tyle, a. [Gr. ? with five fingers or toes. See {Penta }, and {Dactyl}.] 1. (Anat.) Having five digits to the hand or foot. [1913 Webster] 2. Having five appendages resembling fingers or toes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pentadactyl — [pen΄tə dak′təl] adj. [L pentadactylus < Gr pentadaktylos: see PENTA & DACTYL] having five fingers or toes on each hand or foot … English World dictionary
pentadactyl — pen·ta·dac·tyl .pent ə dak təl adj having five digits on each hand or foot <pentadactyl mammals> * * * pen·ta·dac·tyl (pen″tə dakґtəl) [penta + dactyl] having five fingers or toes on the hand or foot … Medical dictionary
pentadactyl — pentadactylism, n. /pen teuh dak tl, til/, adj. 1. having five digits on each hand or foot. 2. having five fingerlike projections or parts. [1655 65; < L pentadactylus < Gk pentadáktylos. See PENTA , DACTYL] * * * … Universalium
pentadactyl — adjective Having five digits on a limb … Wiktionary
pentadactyl — pentÉ™ dæktɪl adj. having five fingers or toes … English contemporary dictionary
pentadactyl — [ˌpɛntə daktɪl] adjective Zoology having five toes or fingers. Derivatives pentadactyly noun … English new terms dictionary
pentadactyl — pen·ta·dac·tyl … English syllables
pentadactyl — pen•ta•dac•tyl [[t]ˌpɛn təˈdæk tl, tɪl[/t]] adj. anat. having five digits on each hand or foot • Etymology: 1655–65; < L pentadactylus < Gk pentadáktylos. See penta , dactyl … From formal English to slang
pentadactyl — /pɛntəˈdæktl/ (say pentuh daktl) adjective having five digits on each hand or foot …
pentadactyl — a. having five fingers or toes to each hand or foot. ♦ pentadactylate, a. ♦ pentadactylism, n … Dictionary of difficult words