- pentachord
- ˈpentəkɔ:d сущ.;
муз. пентахорд (музыкальное) пентахорд pentachord муз. пентахорд
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Pentachord — Pen ta*chord, n. [L. pentachordus five stringed, Gr. ?; ? five + ? string.] 1. An ancient instrument of music with five strings. [1913 Webster] 2. An order or system of five sounds. Busby. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pentachord — Pentachord, eine Tonreihe von fünf Tönen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pentachord — A pentachord is a five note segment of a scale or tone row. A diatonic scale comprises five non transpositionally equivalent pentachords rather than seven because the Ionian and Mixolydian pentachords and the Dorian and Aeolian pentachords are… … Wikipedia
pentachord — noun five notes (pitch classes) in a scale … Wiktionary
Pentachord — Pen|ta|chord, das; [e]s, e [zu spätlat. pentachordos < griech. pentáchordos = fünfsaitig, zu: chorde̅ = Saite] (Musik): fünfsaitiges Streich od. Zupfinstrument … Universal-Lexikon
Pentachord — Pen|ta|chord 〈 [ kɔ̣rd] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: e; Musik〉 Saiteninstrument mit fünf Saiten [Etym.: <Penta… + grch. chorde »Darm(saite)«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Pentachord — Pen|ta|chord [... kɔrt] das; [e]s, e <zu spätlat. pentachordos aus gr. pentáchordos »fünfsaitig«> fünfsaitiges Streich od. Zupfinstrument … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
pentachord — noun 1》 a musical instrument with five strings. 2》 a series of five musical notes … English new terms dictionary
pentachord — pen·ta·chord … English syllables
pentachord — n. five stringed musical instrument; series of five tones … Dictionary of difficult words
pentachord — n. 1 a musical instrument with five strings. 2 a series of five musical notes … Useful english dictionary