
(химическое) пятиосновный;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pentabasic" в других словарях:

  • Pentabasic — Pen ta*ba sic, a. [Penta + basic.] (Chem.) Capable of uniting with five molecules of a monacid base; having five acid hydrogen atoms capable of substitution by a basic radical; said of certain acids. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pentabasic — adjective a) (of an acid) containing five replaceable hydrogen atoms b) (of a salt) having five atoms of a univalent metal …   Wiktionary

  • pentabasic — Denoting an acid having five replaceable hydrogen atoms. [penta + G. basis, base] * * * pen·ta·ba·sic .pent ə bā sik adj 1) of an acid having five hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by basic atoms or radicals 2) of a salt containing five atoms …   Medical dictionary

  • pentabasic — pen·ta·basic …   English syllables

  • pentabasic — |pentə+ adjective Etymology: penta + basic 1. : having five hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by basic atoms or radicals used of acids 2. : containing five atoms of a univalent metal or their equivalent used of salts …   Useful english dictionary

  • pen|ta|ba|sic — «PEHN tuh BAY sihk», adjective. Chemistry. having five atoms of hydrogen replaceable by basic atoms or radicals: »a pentabasic acid …   Useful english dictionary

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