
ˈpenmən сущ.
1) каллиграф, писец he is a good penman ≈ у него хороший почерк
2) литератор, писатель Syn : writer, author
3) сл. тот, кто подделывает документы каллиграф, писец - he is a good * у него хороший почерк писатель (американизм) (разговорное) тот, кто подделывает документы penman каллиграф, писец;
he is a good penman у него хороший почерк penman каллиграф, писец;
he is a good penman у него хороший почерк ~ писатель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "penman" в других словарях:

  • Penman — is a surname. It refers to: *Andy Penman (1943–1994), Scottish professional football player *David John Penman (1936–1989), Australian Anglican archbishop *Ian Penman (contemporary), British radio and television writer *Ian Penman (b. 1959),… …   Wikipedia

  • Penman — ist der Familienname von Andrew Penman, Musiker, siehe Salmonella Dub Howard L. Penman, englischer Physiker Matt Penman, neuseeländischer Jazz Bassist Sharon Kay Penman, Schriftstellerin. Dies …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Penman — is a surname which has both literally and metaphorically travelled around a lot over the centuries. It is of Olde French origins and derives from the word paniere and was introduced by the Normans after the 1066 invasion. originally it probably… …   Surnames reference

  • Penman — Pen man, n.; pl. {Penmen}. 1. One who uses the pen; a writer; esp., one skilled in the use of the pen; a calligrapher; a writing master. [1913 Webster] 2. An author; a composer. South. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • penman — [pen′mən] n. pl. penmen [pen′mən] 1. a person employed to write or copy 2. a person skilled in penmanship 3. an author …   English World dictionary

  • penman — noun Date: 1539 1. a. calligrapher b. copyist, scribe c. a person with a specified quality or kind of handwriting < a poor penman > 2. author …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • penman —    a forger    Literally, a skilled writer with a pen. Criminal jargon:     Then there are the blanks , the unfilled identity cards, on which the penman can work at will using the originals to produce forgeries of superb quality. (Forsyth, 1994) …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • penman — n. (pl. men) 1 a person who writes by hand with a specified skill (a good penman). 2 an author. Derivatives: penmanship n …   Useful english dictionary

  • Penman-Monteith — Like the Penman equation, the Penman Monteith equation requires daily mean temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and solar radiation to predict net evapotranspiration. Other than radiation, these parameter are implicit in the derivation of… …   Wikipedia

  • Penman equation — The Penman equation describes evaporation ( E ) from an open water surface, and was developed by Howard Penman in 1948. Penman s equation requires daily mean temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and solar radiation to predict E. Simpler… …   Wikipedia

  • Penman & Greenwood — The Daily Mirror investigators who expose rogues in the Thursday edition of the paper.Journalists Andrew Penman and Michael Greenwood find the cheats and confront them.The investigations column, launched in 1997, was originally called Sorted and… …   Wikipedia

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