pendular motion
Смотреть что такое "pendular motion" в других словарях:
pendular — /pen jeuh leuhr, pen deuh /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to a pendulum. 2. of or resembling the motion of a pendulum: a pendular vibration. [1875 80; PENDUL(UM) + AR1] * * * … Universalium
pendular — adjective Characteristic of the motion of a pendulum … Wiktionary
Melodic motion — Complex melodic motion is the quality of movement of a melody, including nearness or farness of successive pitches or notes in a melody. This may be described as conjunct or disjunct, stepwise or skipwise, respectively and involves the use of the … Wikipedia
Electrodynamic tether — Electrodynamic tethers are long conducting wires, such as the one deployed from the tether satellite, which can operate on electromagnetic principles as generators, by converting their kinetic energy to electrical energy, or as motors, converting … Wikipedia
Space tether — Artist s conception of satellite with a tether Space tethers are cables, usually long and very strong, which can be used for propulsion, stabilization, or maintaining the formation of space systems by determining the trajectory of spacecraft and… … Wikipedia
Trigonometric functions — Cosine redirects here. For the similarity measure, see Cosine similarity. Trigonometry History Usage Functions Generalized Inverse functions … Wikipedia
Sleep deprivation — Classification and external resources eMedicine topic list … Wikipedia
Neigetechnik — Nahverkehrstriebwagen Baureihe 612 neigt sich in einem Bogen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Neigezug — Nahverkehrstriebwagen BR 612 der DBAG im Neigebetrieb im Inneren eines Triebwagens Unter Neigetechnik, auch Gleisbogenabhängige Wagenkastensteuerung ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
Neigezüge — Nahverkehrstriebwagen BR 612 der DBAG im Neigebetrieb im Inneren eines Triebwagens Unter Neigetechnik, auch Gleisbogenabhängige Wagenkastensteuerung ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nystagmus — Rapid rhythmic repetitious involuntary (unwilled) eye movements. Nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical or rotary. * * * Involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyeballs, either pendular or with a slow and fast component. [G. nystagmos, a nodding … Medical dictionary