Смотреть что такое "pendently" в других словарях:
Pendently — Pend ent*ly, adv. In a pendent manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pendently — See pendent1. * * * … Universalium
pendently — pendÉ™ntlɪ adv. in a manner of hanging, in a manner of being suspended … English contemporary dictionary
pendently — pen·dent·ly … English syllables
pendently — adverb : in a pendent manner … Useful english dictionary
pendent — pendently, adv. /pen deuhnt/, adj. Also, pendant. 1. hanging or suspended: a pendent lamp. 2. overhanging; jutting; projecting: pendent cliffs. 3. undecided; undetermined; pending: a lawsuit that is still pendent. 4. impending. n. 5. pendant.… … Universalium
pendent — /ˈpɛndənt / (say penduhnt) adjective 1. hanging or suspended. 2. overhanging; jutting or leaning over. 3. impending. 4. pending or undecided. {Latin pendens, present participle, hanging; replacing Middle English penda(u)nt, from Old French… …
pendent — [pen′dənt] adj. [ME pendaunt: see PENDANT] 1. hanging; suspended 2. overhanging 3. undecided; pending n. PENDANT pendently adv … English World dictionary