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Смотреть что такое "pencil-and-paper" в других словарях:

  • Pencil-and-Paper-Rollenspiel — DSA Rollenspieler auf dem Burg Con in Berlin 2009. Der Erzähler sitzt links. Das Pen Paper Rollenspiel (engl. pen „Stift“ und paper „Papier“) ist ein Spiel, bei dem die Mitwirkenden in fiktive Rollen schlüpfen und gemeinsam durch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pencil and paper — …   Useful english dictionary

  • pencil-and-paper — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Бланковые (типа «карандаш—бумага») тесты интеллекта (pencil-and-paper intelligence tests) — Б. т. и., в отличие от их индивидуально проводимых аналогов, экономичны с т. зр. временных и денежных затрат, поскольку они могут проводиться в группах. Кроме того, групповые тесты интеллекта могут быть быстро и объективно обработаны, позволяя т …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • Paper Soccer — (sometimes called Paper Hockey) is a pencil and paper game for two players. In Poland and Romania, the game is very popular among school children and students. The game starts on an empty field of 8×10 boxes (other sizes also common, for example… …   Wikipedia

  • Pencil — This article is about the handwriting instrument. For other uses, see Pencil (disambiguation). HB graphite pencils A pencil is a …   Wikipedia

  • pencil — [[t]pe̱ns(ə)l[/t]] pencils, pencilling, pencilled 1) N COUNT: also in N A pencil is an object that you write or draw with. It consists of a thin piece of wood with a rod of a black or coloured substance through the middle. If you write or draw… …   English dictionary

  • Paper and pencil game — Paper and pencil games are games that can be played solely with paper and pencil. In some board games, including some abstract strategy games like Gomoku, a piece once played will not be moved on the board or removed from the board. Such games… …   Wikipedia

  • Race game (paper and pencil game) — Race Game is a pencil and paper game, involving the pencil flick action.The gameOn a sheet of paper (e.g. A4 size) draw the outline of a circle. It does not have to be perfectly circular (oval is fine any unevenness is good). Now draw another one …   Wikipedia

  • Dots and Boxes — (also known as Boxes, Squares, Paddocks, Square it, Dots and Dashes, Dots, Smart Dots, Dot Boxing, or, simply, the Dot Game) is a pencil and paper game for two players (or sometimes, more than two) first published in 1889 by Édouard Lucas. Game… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper football — (also called Finger football or Flick football) refers to a table top game, loosely based on American football, in which a sheet of paper folded into a small triangle is slid back and forth across a table top by two opponents and played between 2 …   Wikipedia

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