penalty provision
Смотреть что такое "penalty provision" в других словарях:
penalty — An elastic term with many different shades of meaning; it involves idea of punishment, corporeal or pecuniary, or civil or criminal, although its meaning is generally confined to pecuniary punishment. Allied v. Graves, 261 N.C. 31, 134 S.E.2d 186 … Black's law dictionary
penalty — pen·al·ty / pen əl tē/ n pl ties 1: a punishment that is imposed on a wrongdoer by statute or judicial decision 2: a pecuniary sum that by agreement is to be paid by a party who fails to fulfill an obligation to another and that is punitive… … Law dictionary
penalty clause — n 1: a clause (as in a contract) that calls for a penalty to be paid or suffered by a party under specified terms (as in the event of a breach) and that is usu. unenforceable ◇ A penalty clause differs from a liquidated damages clause by not… … Law dictionary
penalty clauses — clauses that impose a liability more extensive than general damages. They are contrary to public policy and accordingly unenforceable. However, the courts will allow parties to agree the amount of damages in advance by way of what is called a… … Law dictionary
penalty clause — A provision in a contract stating that if one party breaks the contract (e.g., by failing to deliver goods), that party will be required to pay a penalty, usually in money … Business law dictionary
Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) — Capital Punishment † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Capital Punishment The infliction by due legal process of the penalty of death as a punishment for crime. The Latins use the word capitalis (from caput, head) to describe that which… … Catholic encyclopedia
default interest provision — A provision in a contract which: • Provides a contractual sanction against non payment of a sum of money; and • Is a form of liquidated damages for that non payment. A default interest provision is nearly always included in an agreement where… … Law dictionary
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 — The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104 132, 110 Stat. 1214, (also known as AEDPA ) is an Act of Congress signed into law on April 24, 1996 to deter terrorism, provide justice for victims, provide for an… … Wikipedia
Escape Provision — A contract provision which allows a party, such as an electric customer, to get out of it. Usually, there is a penalty … Energy terms
general saving provision — A provision of constitution or statute intended to prevent the retrospective operation of the repeal of a statute by providing that the repeal of a statute shall not affect any right, liability, or penalty accrued or arising prior to the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Almendarez-Torres v. United States — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants=Almendarez Torres v. United States ArgueDate=October 14 ArgueYear=1997 DecideDate=March 24 DecideYear=1998 FullName=Hugo Almendarez Torres v. United States of America USVol=523 USPage=224 Citation= Prior=Conviction… … Wikipedia