penalty for nonperformance of contract

penalty for nonperformance of contract
штраф за невыполнение договора

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "penalty for nonperformance of contract" в других словарях:

  • penalty — An elastic term with many different shades of meaning; it involves idea of punishment, corporeal or pecuniary, or civil or criminal, although its meaning is generally confined to pecuniary punishment. Allied v. Graves, 261 N.C. 31, 134 S.E.2d 186 …   Black's law dictionary

  • penalty — In the broad sense of the term, the consequences visited by law upon the heads of those who violate the law, particularly provisions of the criminal law and police regulations. A punishment for the nonperformance of an act or for the performance… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • damages — A pecuniary compensation or indemnity, which may be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered loss, detriment, or injury, whether to his person, property, or rights, through the unlawful act or omission or negligence of another. A… …   Black's law dictionary

  • damages — A pecuniary compensation or indemnity, which may be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered loss, detriment, or injury, whether to his person, property, or rights, through the unlawful act or omission or negligence of another. A… …   Black's law dictionary

  • obligation — A generic word, derived from the Latin substantive obligatio, having many, wide, and varied meanings, according to the context in which it is used. That which a person is bound to do or forbear; any duty imposed by law, promise, contract,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • tender — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French tendre, from Latin tener; perhaps akin to Latin tenuis thin, slight more at thin Date: 13th century 1. a. having a soft or yielding texture ; easily broken, cut, or damaged ; delicate,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Anthony Johnson (American Colonial) — Anthony Johnson (? 1670) was an early black resident of the Virginia Colony. He was one of the original 20 African laborers brought to Jamestown in 1619 as an indentured servant. On records from Jamestown, he is referred to as Antonio a Negro .… …   Wikipedia

  • lex commissoria — ˌkäməˈsōrēə noun Etymology: Late Latin Roman & civil law : a penalty clause for nonperformance of a contract: as a. : a provision that a pledge shall be forfeited if a loan is not repaid b. : a condition that money paid on a contract of sale… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bond — 1 n 1 a: a usu. formal written agreement by which a person undertakes to perform a certain act (as appear in court or fulfill the obligations of a contract) or abstain from performing an act (as committing a crime) with the condition that failure …   Law dictionary

  • forfeiture — for·fei·ture / fȯr fə ˌchu̇r/ n 1: the loss of a right, money, or esp. property because of one s criminal act, default, or failure or neglect to perform a duty compare waiver 2: something (as money or property) that is forfeited as a penalty… …   Law dictionary

  • Legal tender — Tender Ten der, n. 1. (Law) An offer, either of money to pay a debt, or of service to be performed, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture, which would be incurred by nonpayment or nonperformance; as, the tender of rent due, or of the amount of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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