- pen-driver
- ˈpenˌdraɪvə сущ.;
презр. клерк;
писака, служащий Syn : clerk n презр. клерк;
писака pen-driver презр. клерк;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pen-driver — penˈ driver noun A clerk • • • Main Entry: ↑pen … Useful english dictionary
Pen Dinas — and the Wellington Monument Pen Dinas is the name of a hill south of Aberystwyth on the coast of Ceredigion, Wales, upon which an extensive Iron Age hill fort is situated. The name is more correctly Dinas Maelor , this could be translated into… … Wikipedia
Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania — Geobox|Settlement name = Pen Argyl native name = other name = other name1 = category = Borough etymology type = etymology = Pen , Celtic for mountain; Argyl , Greek for slate rock. etymology note = cite web| url… … Wikipedia
pen — I n 1. writing instrument, quill, feather, plume; style, stylus, stylograph; ballpoint or ballpoint pen, Trademark. Bic; fountain pen, cartridge pen; felt tip or felt tip pen, Trademark. Magic Marker, Trademark. Flair, Trademark. Pentel,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pen — Synonyms and related words: POW camp, amanuensis, arable land, arena, artistry, authorcraft, authorship, automatic writing, barnyard, barton, bastille, beleaguer, beset, besiege, black hole, blockade, borstal, borstal institution, bottle up,… … Moby Thesaurus
Quill driver — Quill Quill, n. [Perhaps fr. F. quille ninepin (see {Kayless}); but cf. also G. kiel a quill. MHG. kil, and Ir. cuille a quill.] 1. One of the large feathers of a bird s wing, or one of the rectrices of the tail; also, the stock of such a feather … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Truck driver — A truck driver (Commonly called a trucker, driver or teamster in the United States and Canada, a truckie or ute driver in Australia and New Zealand and a lorry driver or driver in Ireland and the United Kingdom) is a person who earns a living as… … Wikipedia
Mass driver — For fictional mass drivers, see List of electromagnetic projectile devices in fiction. Artist s conception of a mass driver for lunar launch A mass driver or electromagnetic catapult is a proposed method of non rocket spacelaunch which would use… … Wikipedia
Feather driver — Feather Feath er (f[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. fether, AS. fe[eth]er; akin to D. veder, OHG. fedara, G. feder, Icel. fj[ o][eth]r, Sw. fj[ a]der, Dan. fj[ae]der, Gr. ptero n wing, feather, pe tesqai to fly, Skr. pattra wing, feather, pat to fly, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sus|pen|sion — «suh SPEHN shuhn», noun. 1. a) the act of suspending: »the suspension of a boy from school for bad conduct, suspension of judgment or opinion, the suspension of a driver s license for speeding. SYNONYM(S): interruption, intermission, stop,… … Useful english dictionary
quill-driver — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : one that works with a pen : writer, clerk … Useful english dictionary