Смотреть что такое "pelite" в других словарях:
Pelite — (Greek Pelos , Clay) is a descriptive name for a clastic rock with a grain size of less than 1/16mm (originally sand or silt) Examples include slate and mudstone. The equivalent Latin derived term is Lutite. Pelite is more commonly used for a… … Wikipedia
pélite — ● pélite nom féminin (grec pêlos, argile) Synonyme de lutite. ● pélite (synonymes) nom féminin (grec pêlos, argile) Synonymes : lutite … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pelite — (Pelitische Gesteine), Trümmergesteine, die vollkommen homogen erscheinen, aber aus seinen Staubkörnchen oder Schüppchen eines oder mehrerer Mineralien gebildet sind; oft ausgezeichnet schieferig (Schieferton, Grauwackenschiefer, Tonschiefer) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
pelite — pelitic /pi lit ik/, adj. /pee luyt/, n. Geol. any clayey rock, as mudstone or shale. [1875 80; < Gk pel(ós) clay, earth + ITE1] * * * … Universalium
pelite — noun A sedimentary rock containing very fine particles See Also: metapelite, pelitic … Wiktionary
pelite — [ pi:lʌɪt] noun Geology a sediment or sedimentary rock composed of very fine clay or mud particles. Origin C19: from Gk pēlos clay, mud + ite1 … English new terms dictionary
pelite — pe·lite … English syllables
pelite — /ˈpilaɪt/ (say peeluyt) noun any clay rock. Compare psephite, psammite. {Greek pēlos clay, earth + ite1} –pelitic /pəˈlɪtɪk/ (say puh litik), adjective …
PELİTE — f. Lâmba veya kandil fitili. Fitil. * Yaralarda kullanılan fitil … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
pelite — n. a rock composed of claylike sediment. Etymology: Gk pelos clay, mud … Useful english dictionary
PÉLITES — Le terme «pélite» (du grec pelos , boue) désigne traditionnellement une grande variété de roches sédimentaires formées d’éléments fins. Certains auteurs, cependant, le réservent aux sédiments meubles (poudres ou argiles, limons ou silts)… … Encyclopédie Universelle