pelagic trawl
Смотреть что такое "pelagic trawl" в других словарях:
pelagic trawl — a net shaped like a bag which is dragged through open waters above the bottom. Lacks chafe protection gear, bobbins, discs and rollers … Dictionary of ichthyology
two boat pelagic trawl — a wingless, midwater trawl with a square mouth towed between two boats. Also called Larsen midwater trawl, Larsen trawl, floating trawl, Larsen two boat trawl, atom trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
trawl-fishing — A type of active fishing method in which a large bag like net is drawn along behind a boat in order to target either demersal or pelagic fish species. Many variations on this model exist … Fisheries — dictionary
atom trawl — a wingless, midwater trawl with a square mouth towed between two boats. Also called Larsen midwater trawl, Larsen trawl, floating trawl, Larsen two boat trawl, two boat pelagic trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
Larsen midwater trawl — a wingless, midwater trawl with a square mouth towed between two boats. Also called atom trawl, Larsen trawl, floating trawl, Larsen two boat trawl, two boat pelagic trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
floating trawl — a trawl designed to be worked off the bottom. Also called midwater trawl, pelagic trawl. See also Larsen midwater trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
high-opening trawl — a bottom trawl designed to catch semi demersal or pelagic species … Dictionary of ichthyology
phantom trawl — a form of pelagic or midwater trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
bottom trawl — a net shaped like a bag dragged along the sea floor. The lower edge of the net has a thick ground rope or bobbins to prevent net damage and is heavily ballasted. Some trawls are low opening to capture demersal species, others are high opening to… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Scottish east coast fishery — The Scottish east coast fishery has been in existence for more than a thousand years, spanning the Viking period right up to the present day. A brief historyThe fishery has always been for both whitefish and herring. The Norsemen came to Scotland … Wikipedia
Cetacean bycatch — Group of Fraser s dolphins. Cetacean bycatch is the incidental capture of non target cetacean species by fisheries.[1] Species which are seriously affected by this include dolphins, porpoises, and … Wikipedia