pelagic sealing

pelagic sealing
охота на тюленей/котиков в открытом море

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pelagic sealing" в других словарях:

  • pelagic sealing — noun : the act or occupation of killing, capturing, or pursuing fur seals in the ocean as distinguished from killing them at their breeding places on land …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bering Sea Arbitration — The Bering Sea Arbitration arose out of a fishery dispute between Great Britain and the United States in the 1880s which was closed by this arbitration in 1893.OriginsIn 1867 the United States government purchased from Russia all her territorial… …   Wikipedia

  • Pribilof Islands — /prib euh lawf , lof / a group of islands in the Bering Sea, SW of Alaska, and belonging to the U.S.: the breeding ground of fur seals. * * * Group of islands, southeastern Bering Sea, Alaska, U.S. It includes St. Paul, St. George, and three… …   Universalium

  • Northern Fur Seal — Taxobox name = Northern Fur Seal status = VU trend = unknown status system = iucn2.3 image width = 300px image caption = Northern Fur Seal Bull, St Paul Island, 1992 photo by Rolf Ream, NMML. regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia …   Wikipedia

  • Northern fur seal — Animalia Northern fur seal Northern fur seal bull, St Paul Island, 1992 Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • aquatic — aquatic, lacustrine, fluvial, fluviatile, marine, oceanic, thalassic, neritic, pelagic, abyssal all refer to water and especially to a body of water but all except aquatic are highly specific in their applications and all are more or less… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Bering Sea Dispute — Dispute between the U.S. and Britain (and Canada) over the international status of the Bering Sea. In an attempt to control seal hunting off the Alaskan coast, the U.S. in 1881 claimed authority over the Bering Sea and the right to seize sealing… …   Universalium

  • The Sea-Wolf — is a novel written in 1904 by American author Jack London. An immediate bestseller, the first printing of forty thousand copies was sold out before publication. Of it, Ambrose Bierce wrote The great thing mdash;and it is among the greatest of… …   Wikipedia

  • North Pacific Fur Seal Convention of 1911 — The treaty was created to regulate hunting of the Northern fur seal, pictured here. The North Pacific Fur Seal Convention of 1911, formally known as the Convention between the United States and Other Powers Providing for the Preservation and… …   Wikipedia

  • Matthew Turner (shipbuilder) — For other people named Matthew Turner, see Matthew Turner (disambiguation). Matthew Turner Matthew Turner in later life Born 1825 Geneva, Ohio Died …   Wikipedia

  • Pribilof Islands — The Pribilof Islands (often called the Fur Seal Islands , Russian: Kotovi ) are a group of four volcanic islands, part of the US state of Alaska, lying in the Bering Sea, about 200 miles (320 km) north of Unalaska and 200 miles south of Cape… …   Wikipedia

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